What was the?


What was the Attach player to a helicopter Filterscript?
i can't font it..


Sorry for my bad english i'am dutch

Enough with all this Dutch guys go learn english and use search or search for it yourself the members cant search for you -_-

rofl don't fuck with us (us = the Dutch people)! :P
And Wouter, what do you exactly mean?
Omg never mind, listen to Miado and make a new topic in the Dutch forum board :P

Dit forum vereist dat je 120 seconden wacht tussen het verzenden van berichten. Probeer het nogmaals over 38 seconden.
I know, it's Dutch. I came here 3 days ago back, and it was Dutch, this ain't the first time, so I leave it Dutch :P

I think you mean "PutPlayerInVehicle" ?

It is "I'm" or "I am", not "I'am" xD - Never mind. Everyone need to learn English, and I need to do that too.
I'm gonna improve it soon, because my English isn't very good. I mean, when do I need to use "ain't" and when "isn't" etc...

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