05.11.2010, 18:47
Can I make a gametext when the NPC starts his new route? because I managed to make a gametext when the NPC logs in, but when he is logged in, and he finishes he's tour, and he starts a new tour, nothing happends...
What also could help is a place to find the exact time the NPC needs to do his, tour, can I see somewhere how long it takes for the NPC to do his tour, whitout timing it in real life?
The last thing: is there a IsNpcInRangeOfPoint... if there was something like that, I could set a point on the end, so when the npc enters that point, A gametext shows up...
...Please help me if you can...
Or, is it possible to make a path where the NPC starts in a vehicle and ends with exit his vehicle?
that way I could use the function: NPC:OnNPCExitVehicle...
What also could help is a place to find the exact time the NPC needs to do his, tour, can I see somewhere how long it takes for the NPC to do his tour, whitout timing it in real life?
The last thing: is there a IsNpcInRangeOfPoint... if there was something like that, I could set a point on the end, so when the npc enters that point, A gametext shows up...
...Please help me if you can...
Or, is it possible to make a path where the NPC starts in a vehicle and ends with exit his vehicle?
that way I could use the function: NPC:OnNPCExitVehicle...