Mode: Unknown, Nothing in the logs.

Hello, My name is Shehab.
I am a scripter in IntensiveZone roleplay.

The story is that I was using a mysql plugin called SAMP-MySQL v0.15 by [RAZ]ADreNaLiNe-DJ.
It was working wonderful until 3 days ago when I tried to save text in the database, it messes up the database and I know it was a mysql problem since its out of date.

So I guessed I would use another plugin, so I went for SA:MP MySQL Plugin 2.0 by StrickenKid.

Ofcourse since the functions arent the same so I had to change a lot in the script.
After I finished that, I tried to run my server and it connected to the mysql but it doesnt show the script:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3b R2, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[16:51:46] Server Plugins
[16:51:46] --------------
[16:51:46] Loading plugin: mysql
[16:51:46] SA:MP MySQL Plugin v2.0 Loaded.
[16:51:46] Loaded.
[16:51:46] Loaded 1 plugins.

[16:51:46] [MySQL] Thread running. Threadsafe: Yes.
[16:51:46] Filter Scripts
[16:51:46] ---------------
[16:51:46] Loaded 0 filter scripts.

[16:51:46] MYSQL: Attempting to connect to server...
[16:51:46] [MySQL] Connected (0) to root @ via TCP/IP.
[16:51:46] [MySQL] Version 5.1.41.
[16:51:46] MYSQL: Database connection established.
[16:51:46] IntensiveZone Roleplay
[16:51:46] _____________________
[16:51:46] By: Shehab
[16:51:46] Number of vehicle models: 0

The wiered thing is that the server keeps running and when I try to join the server it actually shows me the Registering and login screen, and when I try to register, it saves to my mysql database but when I try to login nothing happens.

I mean is it half running or what? I dont understand.

1 thing I have to say is that I was using an old version of samp with the old plugin since it didnt work on newer versions properly.

but after I installed the new plugin an using 0.3b samp server version.

why is the script loading and showing unknown in the mode?
is it half loaded or is it fully loaded and I just have a problem with OnPlayerLogin?
if it's fully loaded why does it show Unknown in the mode? while I still have SetGameModeText("IZ 0.0.3"); in the OnGameModeInIt

I had a problem like this one,I changed the mysql plugin and it worked...

oh really? what mysql plugin do you use now?

[16:51:46] Loading plugin: mysql
[16:51:46] SA:MP MySQL Plugin v2.0 Loaded.
[16:51:46] Loaded.
[16:51:46] Loaded 1 plugins.

[16:51:46] [MySQL] Thread running. Threadsafe: Yes.
Seems to me like you are using Strickenkid's MySQL plugin. I would change over to G-Stylez if I were you.

Thank you, I guess I will do that

Sorry for bumping this, but I just used G-Stylez plugin and it's working perfectly now, sorry for pasting too late but it took me 2 days to understand the new functions and to implement it in my script.

Thanks for your help.

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