10.08.2010, 19:31
Last edited by Westie; 31/08/2011 at 11:00 AM.
antctrl version 1.2

Okay, I apologise for the massive image in the middle of the page, but come on... everyone else does it!

Okay, I apologise for the massive image in the middle of the page, but come on... everyone else does it!
I promised you people that I would create you a new control panel, and here it is. Remember folks, you would need to be the server owner to set this up (as before), and there is no way this can run on shared hosting. So please, stop asking. Okay? Thank you!
Also, this version runs on Windows! Woo! Because of this, there are changes however that do affect Linux users. If you want to use this panel, then please, please read the configuration paragraphs - each operating system has a different configuration.
Linux installation:
- There's no need for the Start.sh file any more in the server directory. So, you can get rid of that if you want. No one's going to need it now anyway.
- Create the Linux user with this command: useradd -m Server01 - You can change the username. In fact, it's highly recommended that you do.
- Change that user's password with this command: passwd Server01 - make it random or something, but keep it for later use.
- Install the SA-MP server to that user's home - so the SA-MP binary should be at /home/Server01/samp03svr (or what ever you decide to name it).
- Install the antctrl web files where you see fit.
- Open System/Definitions.php, and edit these lines:
- USERNAME - username to log into the panel
- PASSWORD - password to log into the panel
- SSH_USERNAME - The SSH login name (from earlier)
- SSH_PASSWORD - The SSH password (from earlier)
- SSH_EXEC - the name of the SA-MP server binary - don't rename unless you're wanting to run various servers
- SSH_RELDIR - relative directory of the SA-MP server
- CONTROL_THEME - The control panel theme.
- USERNAME - username to log into the panel
Windows installation:
- If you're wanting to have some security - or easily tell what servers are owned by who, create another user account. This only really applies to people running Windows Server.
- Install the SA-MP server to that user's home - so the SA-MP binary should be at C:\Users\Westie\SA-MP (or what ever you decide to name it).
- Install the antctrl web files where you see fit.
- Open System/Definitions.php, and edit these lines:
- USERNAME - username to log into the panel
- PASSWORD - password to log into the panel
- COM_RELDIR - absolute directory of the SA-MP server - must be set, must be exact!
- COM_EXEC - the name of the SA-MP server binary - don't rename unless you're wanting to run various servers
- COM_USERNAME - The alternative user name (security)
- COM_PASSWORD - The alternative user name (security)
- CONTROL_THEME - The control panel theme.
- USERNAME - username to log into the panel
I'm sorry that it's a bit more complicated than I hoped, but I'll try and make an automatic configuration generator - just for you. That's right. The visitor.
Please note, people with commercial aspirations:
If you want to use this commercially - that is, make money from hosting, then send me a PM to arrange licence details. It's about $30 USD per host node.
Licence details: http://www.typefish.co.uk/licences/
Want to download it? Click on this blue link. GOOD? HAVE FUN.
Useful miscellaneous links:
- https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=243793 - A tutorial to install php5-ssh2