20.07.2010, 06:53
Последний раз редактировалось [ZFM]Zuc; 18.10.2010 в 19:29.
[FS]Zadmin2.0|Admin System
This is the new version of my Admin System. it's really better than the old one, because some bugs and errors are fixed now and there are more commands. in the old version there are 75. in this new version there are 93 Commands!
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- Open your "server.cfg" and on "Filterscripts" you have to write: "Zadmin2.0";
- Copy all folders of the "Scriptfiles" folder in your server's "Scriptfiles" folder;
- Copy files "Zadmin.pwn" and "Zadmin.amx" in your server's "Filterscript" folder;
- Copy "ZDini.inc" and "Zadmin2.0.inc" in your server's "pawno/include" folder.
"Zadmin2.0.inc" is used on other files where you have to make a command for admins. Condition is:
To use This INCLUDE you have to write on the top of your GameMode "#include <Zadmin2.0>"
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You can also use a code as condition for ADMIN COMMANDS in a different file, for example a Filterscript. You have to write on the top of the script this string: #include <Zadmin2.0> and the condition you have to use is: if(IsAdminLevel(playerid,level))
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ENG: for all the info about the system, read file "ZAdmin 2.0 Readme.txt".
ITA: per tutte le info necessarie leggete il file "ZAdmin 2.0 Readme.txt". Scusate ma и tutto in Inglese.

This is the new version of my Admin System. it's really better than the old one, because some bugs and errors are fixed now and there are more commands. in the old version there are 75. in this new version there are 93 Commands!
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- Open your "server.cfg" and on "Filterscripts" you have to write: "Zadmin2.0";
- Copy all folders of the "Scriptfiles" folder in your server's "Scriptfiles" folder;
- Copy files "Zadmin.pwn" and "Zadmin.amx" in your server's "Filterscript" folder;
- Copy "ZDini.inc" and "Zadmin2.0.inc" in your server's "pawno/include" folder.
"Zadmin2.0.inc" is used on other files where you have to make a command for admins. Condition is:
To use This INCLUDE you have to write on the top of your GameMode "#include <Zadmin2.0>"
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You can also use a code as condition for ADMIN COMMANDS in a different file, for example a Filterscript. You have to write on the top of the script this string: #include <Zadmin2.0> and the condition you have to use is: if(IsAdminLevel(playerid,level))
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ENG: for all the info about the system, read file "ZAdmin 2.0 Readme.txt".
ITA: per tutte le info necessarie leggete il file "ZAdmin 2.0 Readme.txt". Scusate ma и tutto in Inglese.