TOP 5 problem

Hello. I have a problem when setting new record on top 5. If i was on the first place and other beats my record, i am removed from top 5. But i want to set my record one step down, to second place (but if i broken not my own record, because it would be two of me in TOP 5: first and second).

pawn Код:
stock UpdateKillsTop(killerid,kills)
    new playername2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(killerid, playername2, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
    new recordflag=-1;
    //Init to -1 or it will be 0 and fail to work
    new pflag=-1;
    for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    //run through highscorelist to see if new highscore
        if (TopKills[i] == 0)
    //check if record is not set (0) previously
            TopKills[i] = 0;
    //if no previous record, set dummy record
        if (strcmp(TopKillsNames[i], playername2) == 0 && pflag ==-1)
        { //check for personal best score
            pflag = i;
          //mark where best personal record is
        if (kills > TopKills[i] && recordflag ==-1 && (pflag == -1 || pflag == i) )
        {               //new record
               //personal flag must always be equal or nonexistant (-1) for a valid (personal) record
            recordflag = i;
            //Record number
    if (recordflag>-1)
    //new highscore
    new tmp1[255];
    format(tmp1,sizeof(tmp1),"Top5/Kills.txt");     //time to update list (file)
        for(new i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if(i == recordflag)
            //record goes to correct place in list
                TopKills[i] = kills;
                TopKillsNames[i] = playername2;
            if(strcmp(TopKillsNames[i], playername2)==0)
 //skip all records that matches racername
            if(TopKills[i] == 0)
    //ignore dummy records
    //write from old record list

pawn Код:
//Code updated - post below
Thats not tested and there is no saving code only the pseudo function "UpdateKillsTopFile"
I added it because your give code didnt saved anything at all
And it should be in an extra function, in my opinion

Thank you for the code but now there are this problem:

But i think it's not possible to remove them ?

:/ Try that

(If you want the highest kills from the guys in the server use Selection sort)

pawn Код:
stock UpdateKillsTop(killerid, kills)
{ //returns 1 for update and 0 for no update
    new kname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    if(GetPlayerName(killerid, kname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME)) //Checking if the player is connected
        for(new i; i < sizeof TopKills; i++) //Loops through all TopKills
            if(kills > TopKills[i])
            { //Checks if the player got more kills than the highscore
                if(strcmp(TopKillsName[i], kname) != 0)
                { //If he isnt already on that place we put everyone one place down
                    new j = (sizeof TopKills - 1);
                    for( ; j > i; j--)
                        if(strcmp(TopKillsName[j], kname, true) == 0)
                    if (j == i) j = (sizeof TopKills - 1);
                    for( ; j > i; j--)
                        TopKills[j] = TopKills[(j - 1)],
                        TopKillsName[j] = TopKillsName[(j - 1)];
                TopKills[i] = kills;
                TopKillsName[i] = kname;
                UpdateKillsFile(); //Function for saving everything to file
                return 1; //Highscore updated
            else if (strcmp(TopKillsName[i], kname) == 0)
                break; //Abort if we found himself
    return 0; //Nothing updated
pawn Код:
stock UpdateTopFile()
    new File:gfile = fopen("", io_write); //Call the file how you want
    if(gfile) {
        new string[64], i;
        while(i++ < sizeof TopKills) {
            format(string, sizeof string, "%d. %s\r\n", TopKills[i], TopKillsName[i]);
            fwrite(gfile, string);
        return 1;
    return 0;

Thank you Nero_3D for helping

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