14.07.2010, 14:08
Last edited by [HiC]TheKiller; 20/05/2012 at 10:10 AM.
Reason: Typo
Making a MySQL system!
IntroductionI decided to make this because MySQL owns! It's totally remade from the last code in this thread. from Pvars to variables because Pvars are less efficient. I've still included the auto login system. The database will be the exact same name but I'll make the table name different. If you are having issues with your script download the full server + the filterscript http://www.filejungle.com/f/xk5X8T/mysql.rar
What do I need?
You will need the following things to be able to do this tutorial.
- The latest wamp server (http://*******/o2qXyZ) - Skip this step if you don't want to test
- This MySQL plugin.
Now that wamp and the MySQL plugin has been set up in the right directories we can start the script. For any script that you are using mysql, you must have the includes
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
pawn Code:
#define mysql_host "" //Has to be a string
#define mysql_user "root" //Has to be a string
#define mysql_password "" //There is none for wamp unless you set one.
#define mysql_database "sa-mp" //Has to be a string
We will be following this format
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype
The mysql functions used in this snippet is mysql_connect and mysql_query.
pawn Code:
public OnGameModeInit()
mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password);
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playerdata(user VARCHAR(24), password VARCHAR(41), score INT(20), money INT(20), IP VARCHAR(16) )");
//Field Name - Use - Type
//user- Player Name - String
//password- Players password - String
//score - Players score - int
//money - Players Cash - int
//IP - Players IP - int
return 1;
pawn Code:
new IsRegistered[MAX_PLAYERS];
//We are using this variable so we don't have to query later to
//check if the player is registered in the database.
new MoneyGiven[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Explained in the paragraph above.
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
MoneyGiven[playerid] = -1; //Resets the variable that you will discover later in the tutorial.
new query[200], pname[24]; //Creates our variables.
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT IP FROM `playerdata` WHERE user = '%s' LIMIT 1", pname); //Formats the query, view above the code for a explanation
mysql_query(query); //This is our query function to query the string
mysql_store_result(); //We store the result.
new rows = mysql_num_rows(); //We get how many rows the query returned.
//If the rows are equal to 0. This means that the query did not find
//anyone under the name we connected under in the database.
//So here we send the player the register dialog.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register","Your user is {FF0000}not{FFFFFF} registered! Please {0000FF}register{FFFFFF} with a password below!","Register","Cancel"); //Shows our register dialog :).
if(rows == 1)
//If the rows are equal to 1, this means there is a player already registered
//so we can initiate the login dialog to the player or check if the players
//current IP is the same one as in the database.
new IP[2][16]; //We create a variable with two IP strings, one for retrieving the mysql field and one for GetPlayerIP.
GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP[1], 16);
if(strlen(IP[0]) != 0 && !strcmp(IP[0], IP[1], true)) //Checks that the MySQL IP has a value and that they are the same.
else if(!strlen(IP[0]) || strcmp(IP[0], IP[1], true))
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!","Login","Cancel"); //Shows our login dialog :).
IsRegistered[playerid] = 1; //Sets the registered variable to 1 (Shows that the player is registered).
//You must always free the mysql result to avoid
//there being massive memory usage.
return 1;
pawn Code:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == 15000) //If Dialog is our register dialog
if(response) //If they click the button register
if(!strlen(inputtext) || strlen(inputtext) > 100) //Password is not 1 to 100 characters
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must insert a password between 1-100 characters!"); //Sends the client a error message
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register","Your user is {FF0000}not{FFFFFF} registered! Please {0000FF}register{FFFFFF} with a password below!\n {FF0000}ERROR:Please enter a password between 1-100 characters!","Register","Cancel"); //Shows our register dialog :).
else if(strlen(inputtext) > 0 && strlen(inputtext) < 100)
new escpass[100];
mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escpass);
MySQL_Register(playerid, escpass);
//If the password is between 1 and 100 characters then we will
//call our MySQL_register function which will register the player.
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must register before logging in!"); //Sends the client a error message
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register","Your user is {FF0000}not{FFFFFF} registered! Please {0000FF}register{FFFFFF} with a password below!\n {FF0000}ERROR:Please enter a password !","Register","Cancel"); //Shows our register dialog :).
if(dialogid == 15500) //Dialog login
if(!response) //If they click the cancel button
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "You must login before you spawn!"); //Sends the client a error message
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} You must login before you spawn!","Login","Cancel"); //Shows our login dialog :).
if(response) //If the player clicked login
new query[200], pname[24], escapepass[100]; //
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name
mysql_real_escape_string(inputtext, escapepass); //We escape the inputtext to avoid SQL injections.
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `user` FROM playerdata WHERE user = '%s' AND password = SHA1('%s')", pname, escapepass);
new numrows = mysql_num_rows();
if(numrows == 1) MySQL_Login(playerid);
//This means that there is a user in the database with the same
//password that we typed, we now proceed by using the login function.
//This means that the password that the player
//typed was incorrect and we will resend the dialog.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} The password you typed was incorrect!","Login","Cancel"); //Shows our login dialog :).
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "Incorrect password!"); //Sends the client a error message
mysql_free_result(); //Remember to always free a result if you stored one!
return 1;
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)
pawn Code:
new Logged[MAX_PLAYERS]; //The variable to check if the player is logged.
//NOTE:Passwordstring has already been escaped. If you want to use
//this in another script, make sure that you escape the passwordstring
//before you
stock MySQL_Register(playerid, passwordstring[])
new query[200], pname[24], IP[16];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP, 16);
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO playerdata (user, password, score, money, IP) VALUES('%s', SHA1('%s'), 0, 0, '%s')", pname, passwordstring, IP);
//We do not need to store or free a result as it
//is not a select statement. We can now send the
//client a registration success message and set the
//Login variable to 1.
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have been registered on this server!");
Logged[playerid] = 1; //Sets the login variable
return 1;
stock MySQL_Login(playerid)
new query[300], pname[24], savingstring[20];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM playerdata WHERE user = '%s'", pname);
//We only select the variables that we want to use.
//We don't need things like the password string or the user string.
mysql_query(query); //Queries the result
mysql_store_result(); //Store a result because it's a SELECT statement.
//We use while so that it does a single query, not multiple
//Especially when we have more variables. If there is more
//Variables, you should just split the line with sscanf. To
//Make it easier.
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "score"); SetPlayerScore(playerid, strval(savingstring));
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "money"); MoneyGiven[playerid] = strval(savingstring);
//If you are wondering why I'm using savingstring instead
//Of a variable like using MoneyGiven right away, it's because
//mysql_fetch_field_row requires a string.
mysql_free_result(); //We must always free a stored result
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have been logged in!"); //Sends the client a message.
Logged[playerid] = 1; //Sets our logged in variable to one
return 1;
UPDATE table_name SET column1=value, column2=value2,... WHERE some_column=some_value
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
if(Logged[playerid] == 1)
//If the player disconnects before registering,
//we want to make sure it doesn't try update
//so we check if the player is logged in.
new score = GetPlayerScore(playerid); //Gets players score
new money = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); //Gets players money
new query[200], pname[24]; //Creates the variables
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); //Gets the players name.
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE playerdata SET score=%d, money=%d WHERE user='%s'", score, money, pname);
//No need to store a result for a update string
return 1;
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(MoneyGiven[playerid] != -1)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, MoneyGiven[playerid]);
MoneyGiven[playerid] = -1;
//Gives the player money if they haven't received it yet
return 1;
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
if(!Logged[playerid]) //If the player isn't logged in and (s)he tries to spawn.
if(!IsRegistered[playerid]) //If the player isn't registered
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15000, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register","Your user is {FF0000}not{FFFFFF} registered! Please {0000FF}register{FFFFFF} with a password below!\n {FF0000}ERROR:You must register before spawning!","Register","Cancel"); //Shows our register dialog :).
return 0; //Prevents the player from spawning
if(IsRegistered[playerid] == 1) //Our handy variable comes into use now
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 15500, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login","Your user is {FF0000}registered{FFFFFF}! Please {0000FF}login{FFFFFF} with your password below!\n{FF0000} You must login before you spawn!","Login","Cancel"); //Shows our login dialog :).
return 0; //Prevents the player from spawning
return 1;
pawn Code:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password);
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE playerdata ADD XPOS FLOAT");
return 1;
pawn Code:
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO playerdata (user, password, score, money, IP) VALUES('%s', SHA1('%s'), 0, 0, '%s', 0.0)", pname, passwordstring, IP);
pawn Code:
mysql_fetch_field_row(savingstring, "XPOS"); /*XPOS VARIABLE*/ = strval(savingstring);
pawn Code:
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE playerdata SET score=%d, money=%d, XPOS=%f WHERE user='%s'", score, money, /*XPOS VARIABLE*/, pname);
1. Change the query sizes if you are using a lot of variables.
2. Field names are case sensitive
3. Post any bugs here

4. All passwords are hashed with SHA1, that means you cannot decrypt SHA1 passwords once they are set. For more information, visit the Wikipedia Page
5. For all strings, you must surround them with ' and '. So a string would be represented as username = '%s' and not username = %s.
I hope that you guys have learnt something from this. If you have any questions, post them here. I've fully edited this as of the 9th of August. My MSN is in my signature if anyone needs me

I decided to make this tutorial because I had a basic one on my other MySQL tutorial and a lot of people used it. This is a continue on from my MySQL tutorial but it can be easily modified so that you can make it fit for your server. This tutorial requires almost no knowledge at all because I'm going to explain everything step by step. If you are stuck on a step, post here and I'll fix the tutorial up with a better explanation. For testing this, you need something that can run PHP. You are able to use the WAMP server and later on I'll explain how you can do that. If you are having trouble making any of these files, you can download it all at http://www.filejungle.com/f/Yp5ENE/mysql.rar.
Straight to the basics
We are going to start off with the most basic things possible. If you already know basic PHP / HTML you can skip this step and go straight to building the UCP. I'm going to explain how we implement PHP onto our webpage and how we print the information. We will start with PHP tags and commenting.
PHP Code:
//This is where PHP code goes in here. This is also how you can comment in PHP (Similar to PAWN).
This is a multiple line
comment that we can use
up multiple lines to comment :D.
Now that we have got the extremely basic stuff out of the way, I'm going to show you how we print information from PHP onto our webpage. It's really simple, it's like printing information into the sa-mp console using print / printf except we are printing it to the webpage.
PHP Code:
//This is where PHP code goes in here. This is also how you can comment in PHP (Similar to PAWN).
This is a multiple line
comment that we can use
up multiple lines to comment :D.
echo "Hello World";
PHP Code:
$string = "It's A Wonderful Day!";
echo "Hello World $string";
HTML Code:
<form name="input" action="next.php" method="post"> Username: <input type="text" name="user" /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <!-- This is a comment! -->
PHP Code:
$typedinformation = $_POST["user"];
echo "You have typed the username $typedinformation in the box!";
PHP Code:
echo "There is no value for the user variable";
$typedinformation = $_POST["user"];
echo "You have typed the username $typedinformation in the box!";
HTML Code:
<a href="index.php">This will go to the index page</a>
Lets get started!
Saving the pages
Each page will have a name above it that you have to save the file as because they all link together. Save the pages as all undercase letters. To save these documents, you can use Microsoft Notepad. Copy and paste the code into notepad -> Save As -> Save Type As - All Files -> Enter the name of the document -> Press the save button.
Wamp with PHP
You may not know this yet but you cannot open PHP documents in your browser and it will just work. All you have to do it put it in your WAMP server directory -> WWW -> Create a file called samp. Then visit http://localhost/samp.
The variables page
We are starting off with creating a variables page that will have our database information so it can be edited easily later. This saves you having to copy and paste all of this information onto each page, you can use the PHP include function like including a .inc with PAWN.
Page Name: variables.php
Use: Saving the database variables
Language: PHP
PHP Code:
$dbservername = "";
$dbusername = "root";
$dbpassword = "";
$dbname = "sa-mp";
The login page
For the login page, we are going to be using 2 pages. One page is the page with the form and the other page is going to be the page that checks if our information is correct.
Page Name: index.html
Use: Getting the information for the PHP file
Language: HTML
HTML Code:
<form name="input" action="login.php" method="post"> <!-- This is the form that will redirect to our next page using the post method when we click the submit button --> Username: <input type="text" name="user" /> <br /> <!-- This is the text field that records our username and posts it to the PHP file --> Password: <input type="password" name="password" /> <br /> <!-- This is the password field that records our password and posts it to the PHP file. --> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <!-- The submit button --> </form> <!-- End of the form -->
Page Name: login.php
Use: Checking if the user is correct / password is correct then showing them the UCP.
Language: PHP
PHP Code:
session_start(); //Starts our session variables, more explained below.
//Firstly we need to check if the information is posted
if((!isset($_POST["user"]) || !isset($_POST["password"])) && !isset($_SESSION["username"])) //Session variable will be explained below
echo "There was no values for username or password posted!"; //Echoes that there is no username or password posted.
include("variables.php"); //This includes our variables, same type of style as PAWN
$connection = mysql_connect($dbservername, $dbusername, $dbpassword);
We connect to the database here with the variables in our variables.php.
mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection);
We have a separate function to connect to our database (a bit silly tbh).
//Below we are making sure the people submitting the information are not trying to MySQL inject or find a XSS vulnerability. We are going to strip it of html elements using mysql_escape_string.
$username = mysql_escape_string($_POST["user"]); //This gets the user variable.
$password = mysql_escape_string($_POST["password"]); //This gets the password variable.
else $username = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION["username"]); //Sets the username to the saved session variable!
Below we check if the user exists with the password that the user entered.
This is where you will have to change the variables if you are not using my
mysql tutorial as a guideline.
if(!isset($_SESSION["username"])) $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE user='$username' AND password=SHA1('$password')");
/*Queries the database to see if there is a user and password the same as what we have entered.
Passwords are encoded with SHA1 so they have to be converted to that before we compare (My MySQL tutorial).
Explained further in further explanation */
else $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE user='$username'");
If you are wondering why I've checked if the session variables
are set, read the further explanation at the bottom.
Checks if it has returned anything with the password and username that we
have entered. If there is nothing, it will return 0. If there is a user the same
with the same password, it will return 1. mysql_num_rows requires the resource
result from mysql_query, this is one of the differences to PAWN.
//No matches
echo "The password or username you have entered is incorrect.";
//We found a match! Now we are going to get the information
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
The code above is just making it so we can retrieve the values such
as the players score and money so that we can print it to show the
user what their stats are. mysql_fetch_assoc pretty much allows us to
fetch the arrays by name rather than by the order that they are in.
$row['score'] instead of lets say $row[2]. This pretty much goes through
$score = $row["score"]; //Sets the variables to the value of score
$money = $row["money"]; //Sets the variables to the value of score
$currentip = $row["IP"]; //Sets the variables to the value of IP
$_SESSION["username"] = $username;
The code above is so that we don't have to log in every page.
Session variables are pretty much server sided variables for a
certain person. It's so we do not have to log in on every page
of the website that we visit.
echo "Welcome $username to the user control panel! <br />"; //Will print "Welcome [HiC]TheKiller to the user control panel!" then it will go onto a new line.
echo "Score: $score <br />"; //Will print my score
echo "Money: $money <br />"; //Will print my cash
echo "Current IP address on your account: $currentip <br />"; //Will print my current IP. You can take this out if you want.
echo "<a href='changepass.html'>Change your password</a><br />"; //Links to the change password page.
echo "<a href='setip.php'>Set your auto login IP</a><br />"; //Links to the auto login IP page
echo "<a href='stats.html'>View another players statistics</a><br />"; //Links to the stats page.
echo "<a href='logout.php'>Logout</a><br />"; //Links to the logout page
mysql_close($connection); //Closes the MySQL connection.
Page Name: setip.php
Use: Sets the Auto login IP for the player, if you press the link, it will set the persons current ip.
Language: PHP
PHP Code:
session_start(); //Starts our session variables.
echo "You need to be logged in to set your IP!";
include("variables.php"); //Includes our variables
$connection = mysql_connect($dbservername, $dbusername, $dbpassword); //Connects to the server
mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection); //Connects to the database
$ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] gets the current IP of the person viewing the website
$username = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION["username"]); //Get the username from our session variable
mysql_query("UPDATE playerdata SET IP = '$ip' WHERE user='$username'"); //Updates the IP
echo "IP set, redirecting in 5 seconds!";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=login.php' />";
The above code tells the server that it should redirect
us in 5 seconds to the login.php page. It will refresh
the page to the other page if you kind of understand
what I'm trying to say :).
mysql_close($connection); //Closes the MySQL connection.
Page Name: logout.php
Use: Logs the player out, deletes the session variable.
Language: PHP
PHP Code:
session_start(); //Starts our session variables.
unset($_SESSION["username"]); //Deletes the session variable
echo "Logged out! Redirecting in 5 seconds."; //Shows that it's logged out.
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=index.html' />"; //Redirects us to the main page 5 seconds later.
Page Name: stats.html
Use: Goes to a input page for a player to enter the name of the persons stats he wants to view.
Language: HTML
HTML Code:
<form name="input" action="statview.php" method="post"> <!-- Goes to statview.php when the submit button is clicked. --> Username: <input type="text" name="user" /> <br /> <!-- User field --> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <!-- Submit button --> </form> <!-- Closing the form tag -->
Page Name: statview.php
Use: Views the players stats that another played typed
Language: PHP
PHP Code:
if(!isset($_POST["user"])) echo "No input value found!";
$username = mysql_escape_string($_POST["user"]); //Escapes the post value from the stats.html
include("variables.php"); //Our handy dandy includes page!
$connection = mysql_connect($dbservername, $dbusername, $dbpassword); //Connects to the server
mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection); //Connects to the database
$result = mysql_query("SELECT score, money FROM playerdata WHERE user = '$username'"); //Selects the users score and money from the database.
if(!mysql_num_rows($result)) //If we could find the users data
echo "No user found"; //Self explanatory :).
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=stats.html' />"; //Redirects us back to the stat page 5 seconds later.
$array = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); //Fetches our variables for us.
$score = $array['score']; //Sets $score to the result in our database for the players score.
$money = $array['money']; //Sets $money to the result in our database for the players money.
echo "$username has $score score and $$money cash!"; //Will output "[HiC]TheKiller has 20 score and $1000 cash"
echo "<br /><a href='stats.html'>Go back to the stats page</a>"; //Goes onto a new line and then gives us a link to go back to our other page.
Page Name: changepass.html
Use: Will send the input to the next page so the user can change their password.
Language: HTML
HTML Code:
<form name="input" action="changepass.php" method="post"> <!-- Goes to changepass.php when the submit button is clicked. --> Current Password: <input type="password" name="currentpassword" /> <br /> <!-- Current Password field --> New password: <input type="password" name="newpass" /> <br /> <!-- The new password --> Confirm new password: <input type="password" name="newpassconfirm" /> <br /> <!-- User field --> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <!-- Submit button --> </form> <!-- Closing the form tag -->
Page Name: changepass.php
Use: Changes the players password from the posted information from changepass.html
Language: PHP
PHP Code:
session_start(); //Starts our session variables.
if(!isset($_SESSION["username"])) echo "You are not logged in!"; //If the player isn't logged in
Firstly we are going to check if the person typed the same thing for
the confirmation password and the new password. It's better to do
that first, so we don't need to open a database connection for
$newpass = mysql_escape_string($_POST['newpass']); //Makes our newpass safe
$newpassconfirm = mysql_escape_string($_POST['newpassconfirm']); //Makes our confirm pass safe
$password = mysql_escape_string($_POST['currentpassword']); // Makes our current pass safe
$username = mysql_escape_string($_SESSION["username"]); //Makes our username safe.
if($newpass != $newpassconfirm) //If the confirmation pass isn't the same
echo "Your new password was not the same as your confirmation password!"; //Sends the user a message that it's not the same
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=changepass.html' />"; //Redirects us back to the pass page 5 seconds later.
include("variables.php"); //Our handy dandy includes page!
$connection = mysql_connect($dbservername, $dbusername, $dbpassword); //Connects to the server
mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection); //Connects to the database
$result = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM playerdata WHERE user = '$username' AND password = SHA1('$password')"); //Tries to find the line where our user and password are the ones we have specified.
if(!mysql_num_rows($result)) //Current password is incorrect
echo "The current password typed is incorrect!"; //Sends the user a message
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=changepass.html' />"; //Redirects us back to the pass page 5 seconds later.
else //All the information is good to insert, our current password matches etc.
mysql_query("UPDATE playerdata SET password = SHA1('$newpass') WHERE user = '$username'");
echo "The current password has been changed"; //Sends the user a message
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='5;url=login.php' />"; //Redirects us back to the player page 5 seconds later.
mysql_close($connection); //Closes our connection ;).
This took a while to make and it may have a few bugs, so please make sure to tell me if their is any. If you have any questions about this part of the tutorial, add me on MSN or ask in this topic.