Gamemode not detecting

My linux server doesnt detect the game mode I upload. I do rename the gamemode0 in server.cfg but it still doesnt detect the gamemode. 'Gamemode' shows 'unknown'. Pls help.

Check the server log, sounds like you could be missing a plugin.

Use SetGameModeText function.

ok so I did check the serverlog it says this

"*** Streamer Plugin v2.3.8 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:05:14] Loaded.
[12:05:14] Loaded 1 plugins.

[12:05:14] Filter Scripts
[12:05:14] ---------------
[12:05:14] Loaded 0 filter scripts.

[12:05:14] Script[gamemodes/something.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[12:05:14] Number of vehicle models: 0"

Sergei it does work on my computer it detects gamemode but its on my server that it doesnt. My computer is windows and server is linux. and I uploaded the .so plugins aswell but no sucess.

NEVER sow that one before!

Either the plugin you have loaded doesn't have the required functions (outdated), or the wrong plugin is loaded.

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