[Tool/Web/Other] Sa:Mp Website starter kit

- Website Starter Kit
- Install
1. Download the files.
2. Extract it to your apache folder.
3. Configure config.inc to match your database (see "Config" longer down in this thread).
4. Import the sql file.
5. Run any browser with url directing to your website.
6. Watch the beauty of PHP, Enjoy!
- Screenie
- Screenshot 1
- Config
PHP код:
define ("DB_HOST""localhost"); // Set this to the host the database is hosted on.
define ("DB_USER""urusernamehere"); // Set this to whatever Account the have access to the server.
define ("DB_PASS","urpasshere"); // Set this to whatever the pass for the account is.
define ("DB_NAME","db"); // Chooses database. 
define ("DB_TABLE","vehicles"); // Chooses database table.  
$link mysql_connect(DB_HOSTDB_USERDB_PASS) or die("Couldn't make connection.");
$db mysql_select_db(DB_NAME$link) or die("Couldn't select database"); 
- Future list:
- Easy structure so it's easier for not so advanced users to edit etc.
- Shows how to fetch data from a mysql database.
- Contains a easy readable And understandable .css file.
- Contains all vehicle images.
- Contains mysql database structure ( vehicles only for the moment, further updates will include more. )
- Updates:
- Make the script loop through all Vehicles. [ *** ]
- The style right now looks like shit. [ ** ]
- Menu's and navigation. [ * ]
- Structure: Users, Skins, Logg's into the database. [ * ]

[ * ] = Undone. [ ** ] = Working with. [ *** ] = Done.
- Download
- Link to folder with all files.
- Images
- phpfiles && Style
- Sql
- Credits
- Me.
- My dad ( learning me php basics ).
- sa-mp team.

Uh... Why don't you explain some of the features? Maybe post some screenshots as well!

EDIT: Have your screenshots ready BEFORE you make you're final post!

EDIT 2: Okay, now I see some actual features listed. I'll try this out on my localhost!

EDIT 3: I've loaded this and set my MySQL settings, etc... I don't see any vehicles on the 'index.php' file when I load it up...

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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Uh... Why don't you explain some of the features? Maybe post some screenshots as well!

EDIT: Have your screenshots ready BEFORE you make you're final post!

EDIT 2: Okay, now I see some actual features listed. I'll try this out on my localhost!

EDIT 3: I've loaded this and set my MySQL settings, etc... I don't see any vehicles on the 'index.php' file when I load it up...
1. when i posted this thread, the picture didnt show, im reuploading now.
2. Enjoy
3. You haven't imported the sql file loactated in the sql folder [ What this actually means is that the Query can't find any vehicles in the table "vehicles". Edit index.php and look at the query change it to match your own database. ]

Simple i suppose. But like you said, its for starters.

Originally Posted by DiddyBop
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Simple i suppose. But like you said, its for starters.
More advanced in the upcoming updates

Very good im trying it !!

PHP rocks

i built little webbie too with PHP sa-mp integrated(HTTP(blabla) rocks!!)

Originally Posted by legodude
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PHP rocks

i built little webbie too with PHP sa-mp integrated(HTTP(blabla) rocks!!)
Never tried the HTTP function's but i'm sure they are really usefull

Images archive is damaged

Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
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Images archive is damaged
Noticed, im going to reupload it

EDIT: Reuploaded.

If you are a beginner in PHP: Nice script
There is only one 'stupid' thing (I don't know the right word, I cannot speak English very good -.-)
the IMAGES and DESIGN folder must be placed in the folder SAMP, but you dont have that map.
SOO I did do that :P And it is a handy mirror, it is all-in-one, with your credits in the IMPORTANT/readme.txt
You can use it, if you don't want it: say it, and I will remove it;

The URL: http://urlffs.com/TfS9gV

Kind Regards,

Originally Posted by Kwarde
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If you are a beginner in PHP: Nice script
There is only one 'stupid' thing (I don't know the right word, I cannot speak English very good -.-)
the IMAGES and DESIGN folder must be placed in the folder SAMP, but you dont have that map.
SOO I did do that :P And it is a handy mirror, it is all-in-one, with your credits in the IMPORTANT/readme.txt
You can use it, if you don't want it: say it, and I will remove it;

The URL: http://urlffs.com/TfS9gV

Kind Regards,
Ofc, they have to go wherever the web folder goes pretty obvious thanks for the mirror anyway ^^

Very Nice..

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