Originally Posted by $$$PiMp
ok i managed to get it running, thank you sooo much for all your help!!!
BTW do you think you will be able to let your script show the proper international characters?
I say no on Russian (Because I have no real way of testing it and I doesn't need it

) and yes (if I can) on цед they seem to work but not every time even with a real encoder like this one:
http://dracoblue.net/dev/urlencode-in-pawn/141/ it wont work with all types of words that have едц in it. But some words works so I have no idea whats wrong..
But дец seems to work fine on my website so maybe there is something wrong with the http function... Will look more on that in this weekend...
Just one thing did you get Russian to work with pawnourl when you used itranslate?
Note that I will try to get this things fixed in this order:
1. Auto detection of langs. Should be easy but it's not:/
2. Fixing so цед works..
3. Making my php code look nice and clean and try to make it faster..
4. Maybe releasing a own translation script.. I will also release the php script if I do that. (I will ofc still be hosting my php script for pll that doesn't have a webhost. I need it myself so
