What is smallest Timer interval?

Im making something cool, but I need to know what is smallest timer interval to not conflict with other timers.

Well in perfect world I would use 10, but than its stop other timers, so atm I use 50.
And im gona use for each player own timer, not for 500 players in one time, I guess some 5 players in one time.

So with 50 miliseconds it will not stop other timers?

I think it would call the timer too often, that is a hard..erm..missin word..average?

Im looking for optimized camera movment, like each timer interval its set cam pos += 1.0;

Yea, that would be nice movment, but it is hard average. A 1000ms timer would be okay, i think. But this would not be so smooth movement. :>

Originally Posted by r0b
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Yea, that would be nice movment, but it is hard average. A 1000ms timer would be okay, i think. But this would not be so smooth movement. :>
That would be equal to 1 FPS a second.

50ms timer = 20 camera moves a second = 20FPS

So here is my first test with 50 ms

Full tutorial video soon will be available on server.
Here you can also se EnableWidescreen function


Wow that's really nice :P Does sometimes seem to be a bit jerky but that could be my computer.

Well, I record it on my old PC with 20FPS while recording, on normal PC/Host this video tutorial will be cool, I just hope that these 50ms is ok, because I sync everything by that.

Well if you need someone to test it I can help I've got a nice fast PC :P

No, but thanks, I will test it on host

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