Please help!

Hay! i need help with interiors...
how can i remove them... if i don't need doors to open...
plz help...

as far as I know it's not possible to disable a special interior because you don't need it... I know that it's possible to disable ALL interiors (I forgot the function for that)...
welll you can just place a kind of wall infront of it or so

i think about that... to remove doors.... to enter like in 4dragons casino... and 24/7 doors....

Maybe this will help? DisableInteriorEnterExits();

yes that helps, but it disables all interiors..
ofc you can do that and then place pickups and teleport the player into the interior of the house you want..
so you can disable all but "enable" the once you want to have by placing one teleport pickups...
you can find the basic interiors here:

i think that 4 house systhems... old doors off... new pickups!

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