[Map] Underwater Airfield!


I made an underwater airfield just under Las Venturas Airport.

If you land nearby in the water and step out of vehicle, it automaticly takes you to land,
and then to the airfield. This will use the teleport bug and you will be able to walk/fly/drive under water!

I know this isnt a good system/teleports you also when you step out of a plane on the airfield! but its just an example. You can also change it to a teleport if you like.


Sorry for the lag, thats the xfire conversion, not my pc so cant help

Anyways at the end of the video if i flew flipped, and drowned This is not the case when you fly normally so you can just fly out of the water without drowning (proove: http://www.xfire.com/video/32fc02/ )


Are you sure this works bugfree? OnPlayerStateChange isn't called that often.

Also, would you be re-teleported when you'd exit your vehicle underwater?

Nice FS, only thing I don't like is that now everybody knows this bug

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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Are you sure this works bugfree? OnPlayerStateChange isn't called that often.

Also, would you be re-teleported when you'd exit your vehicle underwater?
Yes, read the discription again. It said the system sucks, but if you change it to a teleport command it will be bug-free for as far i know. Only i like this more, now you cant teleport from everywhere to the map. But need to "land" there.

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