Friend cannot play server

I have my own server on LAN and I'm trying to get my brother to be able play with me on there, but when he puts in the internal IP, the server doesn't show for him. My friend hosted a server on my IP too for LAN and I joined and we played, but my brother couldn't join. Can someone tell me how to fix this so me and my brother can play on my server?

did u port forward? if yes make sure your firewall isn't blocking the 3 .exe files in your server directory

I had same problem, make sure all the 3 .exe's are unblocked on your firewall. Like Warlock said, unblock the 3 .exe's on the firewall then that should work(: if not, then idk

If you and you're friend are on the samp Internet Protocol Address (IP) - as in connected to the internet via a router, then your laptop/computer will have its own specified IP address within the routers network. It will be something like: (Typical Router 192.168.x.x - where i have put x's its something that will change depending on location. (Connection)

You need access to you're router's control panel, find "Attached Devices" or "Connected" - something like that - Find you're computer/laptop's name. And along with that, it will have an IP address and a MAC Address. You need the IP Address. Give that IP Addressa and you're SAMP Port to your friend and they'll be able to connect.

If not, PM Me and ill help you some more

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