Good with After Effects ?

Helloooo people's.
I have a qeustion for you all.
In a few weeks i am starting my own ******* channel with MW2 montage's.
But i need a intro for all my movies.
So if you are good with Adobe After Effects and willing to help me out please contact me.

My email =
I hope to hear from someone soon.


Why don't you learn it by yourself? You have many tutorials over the internet.

Cause i am busy with recording MW2 from my ps3.
If i have to do both by myself it will never be done.

Just to be curious give me one of thos awesome tutorials then.
Cause i looked on ****** but only found crap.


Originally Posted by westre
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I went to that site you need to download plugins and stuff that cost over 200 Euro.
So that doesn't help me at all.


They have tutorials

Not all of them require you to buy / download a plugin

Originally Posted by Doppeyy
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I went to that site you need to download plugins and stuff that cost over 200 Euro.
So that doesn't help me at all.

Plugins? Watch the tutorials dude

@i got pwned by iLinx...

Yo a friend of mine is very good at After Effects.He is a pro and he made lot of intros.You can see his videos here http://www.*******.com/user/serix1 . He has some intros in there too.So if you wanna i can tell him about ya and he will contact to you by PMing you at your *******.Just PM your ******* channel so i can let you know if he wants to help you or not and he to contact you.

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