23.07.2010, 22:04
Hello everyone,
I have a question for you guys.
If I have a gamemode with variables for every user. I don't use Pvars because they don't seem to work for me.
So, my script loads and saves the position into a mysql database.
I store the positions when loggin in in this format:
px[playerid] = field[0];
For example.
This system works fine. But when I quit samp, and reload it (without reloading the server) it doesnt seem to work anymore.
Here is my script that loads the position:
This funtion is called after some other steps like login/register.
So when I reload samp, and I want to login, I jsut get the <<<, >> and Spawn buttons. Should I reset the variables or something? It's really frustrating :S
Thanks so far
I have a question for you guys.
If I have a gamemode with variables for every user. I don't use Pvars because they don't seem to work for me.
So, my script loads and saves the position into a mysql database.
I store the positions when loggin in in this format:
px[playerid] = field[0];
For example.
This system works fine. But when I quit samp, and reload it (without reloading the server) it doesnt seem to work anymore.
Here is my script that loads the position:
pawn Code:
public ContinueLogin(playerid)
format(query, sizeof (query), "SELECT px, py, pz FROM players WHERE username='%s'", playername[playerid]);
while (mysql_fetch_row(data, "|"))
split(data, field, '|');
px[playerid] = strval(field[0]);
py[playerid] = strval(field[1]);
pz[playerid] = strval(field[2]);
if (strval(pstatus[playerid]) == 1)
ploggedin[playerid] = 1;
TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, px[playerid], py[playerid], pz[playerid]);
return 1;
So when I reload samp, and I want to login, I jsut get the <<<, >> and Spawn buttons. Should I reset the variables or something? It's really frustrating :S
Thanks so far