How fanboys see the OS world...

I'd gladly tell all of you stupid fanboys to shut up about how awesome your operating systems are.
No lies.
Also, this is only for FANBOYS. Don't be offended if you aren't one.
I see Mac and Linux as the future and Windows only as a gaming platform.
I know. "Tails is such a dumass stupid 'niX fanboy" A_A.

i admire all of them linux for its superior lightness
windows (except vista) for its great gaming
and mac for its looks(<3 the 27'' one)

Originally Posted by legodude
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i admire all of them linux for its superior lightness
windows (except vista) for its great gaming
and mac for its looks(<3 the 27'' one)
1. Agree. For moar info, check 3.
2. Agree.
3. Agree, and just add a bit of Windows to the Mac and you've got everything running perfectly. Or just use Wine. Heh.

I lol'd.

Sadly I can't put any judgment on Linux or Mac, because I've never used them :/

Originally Posted by legodude
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and mac for its looks(<3 the 27'' one)
That's the only good thing about Mac's. Mac's are pointless and all need to be burned or blown up.
(I have used Mac's)

Originally Posted by Tails
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I see Mac and Linux as the future and Windows only as a gaming platform.
Why do you think its used by many? because its easy to use and is mostly the only OS can play most games.

windows 4 life xD

Originally Posted by TheGuardianAngel
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windows 4 life xD
Typical Windows user, which thinks Windows is the entire world and nothing else exists on the borders of the Universe other than Windows - probably even the aliens have Windows because Microsoft is that awesome. t_t


Why do you think its used by many? because its easy to use and is mostly the only OS can play most games.

Microsoft slit Windows, Internet Explorer and all their products down our throats.
Easy to use? There are a lot of operating systems out there which are easy to use.
Play most games? Everyone made games for Windows because Windows was the most popular OS - most popular OS because Microsoft slit it down our throats with every new system - Internet Explorer was included, and that's how Internet Explorer gained such a high market share that it should've never had - by slitting it down our throats.
If Microsoft was not here, all of you would be using Mac OS X and complaining about how awesome it is, just like some of you are doing RIGHT NOW.
If Microsoft was not here, all the games would've been made for Mac OS. Same with everything.
Microsoft slit everything down our throats.
Apple didn't....
Microsoft did a lot of illegal stuff at that, too. To eliminate their concurence.

ALSO, PEOPLE, don't complain about Mac computers. They can run Windows.
"Steve, will you sign my mac? I promise, it has WINDOWS ON IT! " There was a video on YT where Steve Ballmer signed a Mac. He didn't go crazy. That's a miracle.
"Need a new one?" XD.

Originally Posted by Tails
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ALSO, PEOPLE, don't complain about Mac computers. They can run Windows.
Why would you want to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on a Mac to install Windows on when you can buy, customize and run anything on a PC for thousands of dollars cheaper and run so much faster for 1/8 of the price of a Mac.

I did some research awhile back and a Mac (can't remember the model name) with Intel 2.4ghz dual core 2gb DDR2 RAM, no video card and a shitty Mac LCD screen for $12000 against a top of the range Alienware Intel 3.83ghz EXTREME i7 quadcore, 12gb DDR3 RAM, dual 2gb DDR5 video cards (cant remember brand or model name), Water Cooling and a 24" monitor for $8000.

Now if a top of the range Alienware built for you cost $8000 how much less would one cost if you built it yourself which you can't do with a Mac.

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
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Why would you want to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on a Mac to install Windows on when you can buy, customize and run anything on a PC for thousands of dollars cheaper and run so much faster for 1/8 of the price of a Mac.

I did some research awhile back and a Mac (can't remember the model name) with Intel 2.4ghz dual core 2gb DDR2 RAM, no video card and a shitty Mac LCD screen for $12000 against a top of the range Alienware Intel 3.83ghz EXTREME i7 quadcore, 12gb DDR3 RAM, dual 2gb DDR5 video cards (cant remember brand or model name), Water Cooling and a 24" monitor for $8000.

Now if a top of the range Alienware built for you cost $8000 how much less would one cost if you built it yourself which you can't do with a Mac.
THANKYOU! About time someone else notices this.

I don't hate Linux, it's just not what I prefer if Windows is available. Windows, in my opinion, is the best OS because it can do everything that Mac can do (much better if I may add), as well as many of the things Linux can do (maybe not as well, but a hell of a lot easier).

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