Run time error 17

[20:26:32] Script[gamemodes/violated.amx]: Run time error 17: "Invalid/unsupported P-code file format"
[20:26:32] Failed to load 'gamemodes/violated.amx' script.
[20:26:32] Number of vehicle models: 0
I use ""
I have updated pawno, recompiled, re-uploaded etc..
It just wont work. What to do?

I've had this problem before. All I did was move the server into a whole new folder and it worked.

Move server into new folder? What do you mean

I have this same problem on my own computer and i can not get it to go away!

it all started when i updated to the newest samp server and now none of them work even you know i have the info in the sever.cfg correct =/

How do we fix it?

Try moving your SAMP server folder to some other place or if that doesn't works, it's probably your script problem. Check the latest editing you made in your game mode.

FIXED, had to do with streamer.dll - Just update it

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