What about buggy implementation of TextDraws
Why are they autoupdated when text is updated in TD?
Here is my ideas about textdraws:
1) TextDraw is created at server side as format, this means that there is no text stored in TD. Text is stored only at the client side.
2) Show TD to player:
2.1) Change format of text in TD slot (TDID) (if needed, optional)
2.2) Send text and format to client (Client has ~30 TD slots and saves both format and text)....as GameTextForPlayer function, you can also add timer but it is optional =)
1) Low memory usage at server side
2) ... etc
What you are thinking about it
textdrawCreate(... format description... or no args....) - TDID may be as arument to fn, or may be returned...
textdrawShowForPlayer(playerid, text, TDID)
destroy, set format, etc....
P.S: Sorry for by bad english ^_^