03.06.2010, 20:18

Well, after Freshkilla [PR-RP] released his Spike Stripes (here) I decided to recode it a little and I'm now releasing my Roadblock Script based on his Spike Stripes.
It was designed for Godfather (LA-RP) so the commands (/crb - /rrb - /rrball) are built for it but it's simple to remove. So... What's so special? Well... You get FOUR different roadblocks to choose from: a single barrier; a double lane barrier; a huge barrier and a traffic cone. These can be placed by typing /crb [1-4] you can then remove it by typing /rrb or /rrball to remove all in a 100 metric radius.

-- Mediafire
-- Pastebin

To be honest, I'm not in the picture taking mood so I just took 1 image of all the roadblocks together.
[img width=1024 height=236]/imageshack/img17/7248/rbsd.png[/img]

»Shadow™« - Main edit.
FreshKilla [PR-RP] - Main structure & idea from his Spike Strips (here)