Vehicle syetem

I dont found a vehicle sytem in this forum..HELP!

For what you need it? Roleplay?

Yes for RP

anyone please?

Just Try The Julian's System he Made I think the best Vehicle system it like in LS-RP ask him or something I have it in my computer anywhere so I can give you at the moment I dont know where it is so ask him he will give you I think I realised it anywhere in the past he was selling it but know...
if you need help with the system when you will find it I can help.
About the system:
you have a command /v or /vehicle so there it will write everything I think you know that from LS-RP but there you can only use /v get for one car but I did that you can get all the cars together so if you will find it I can help you and I did it because i have it in my GM so I cant give you...
I will look for it and I will tell you when I Found...

Write one yourself?

yes or try to do one by your self

Just store some vehicle stuff (model, color, spawn x-y-z) in the player file, and make a command to spawn it.

Use Search...
Download some RP scripts which surly have what you're looking for(Keep credits to them (: )
Create one by yourself, you wont learn anything(much) if you just have others do it for you.

Mabye this one ?

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