[GameMode] [GM] Vehicle Capture The Flag

Vehicle Capture The Flag



* My first fully scripted gamemode.

* Also my first release.

* I really didn't really find any good CTF gamemode, witch I liked, so I created this for training and having fun.

* This gamemode is scripted in 5 days.
* Inspired by Unreal Tournament 2004 CTF, Vehicle CTF & Instagib CTF.
* This script is scripted using dcmd & sscanf
* Lines: 1617
* This gamemode is 100% scripted by me, Assyria.
* Does not include register & login system, recommented to use some premade admin script with this.

What is vehicle capture the flag?

* Vehicle capture the flag is a game whats main idea is to steal enemys flag and return it to your home basement. If you are holding your enemys flag and enemy team has your teams flag, you can’t score the flag untill someone in your team has returned the flag.

* Why is it called “Vehicle” capture the flag“? - What makes it vehicle capture the flag, is that there is few vehicles in the map. If the player who is holding a flag enter a vehicle, he will drop it. Player can only use vehicle as passanger without dropping the flag, if he is in the vehicle as passanger. You need a good team work to score flags fast.


Player commands:

/dropflag - If you are holding a flag it will drop your flag.

/stats - Includes information how many kills, deaths & captured flags you have with good looking display.

/spectate & /specoff - Basicly this is a spectate for spectating players. (NOT auto refreshing.)

/helptour & /exittour - It is tutorial about capture the flag and the server. (Similar as seen on some roleplay servers.)

/switchteam - This does exactly as it says, switches your team.

/kill - Basic suicide command.

/help - Helpful informaation

/commands - Player commands.

/objective - This is the helptour put in short.

/r or /b - Team chats, /r for red team and /b for blues team.

Rcon admin commands:

/restart - Restarts the game.

/forceswitch [ID] - Forces player to switch team.


Teams: Blue team and Red team, each team have their own basement.
Basements are located on map as gang zones.

Each team has a flag in their basement, (as object).

When player is holding a flag, his radar color will change. Red teams player steals a flag -> his color will change to yellow. Blue teams players stealts the flag -> his color will change to purple.

When player dies, he will drop the flag and it will stay where ever he died.

When the flag is dropped, players will see a icon in the radar witch is the flags position when it is dropped. Blue ball on blues flag, red ball on red flag.

In the map there is weapons, adrenalines & armours as pickups in the game area.

If is holding a flag and enter a vehicle the player will drop the flag. Players can only enter a vehicle when holding a flag, if they enter as passangers.

When team reaches the max game score amount (easy to change in script) starts new round.

There is some of the “basic” stuff witch you need to know in order to play.
For all lovely features, just look in the script or go ingame to the wonderful looking place.


Not known bugs at the moment. Report them as pm to me if you find one.


Credits to DracoBlue for dcmd and credits for ****** for sscanf.

I have stopped with SA:MP, due some lameass noob reason I do not want to share.

Comment! -

Very nice for your first GM, good job!

Good job for your first Gamemode keep up the good job.

ON TOPIC: Very good. I' lovin' it.
OFF TOPIC:I'd want to see a GM like Midnight Club, where you are in a vehicle and fight for the flag.

Thanks for comments! If you go ingame you just can't be loving it

Hey, nice gamemode! I like the part when a player captures the flag, it attaches the flag to the player!

Regards, Jochem

Hahahj (;

Good for a first release, but you still have very very much things to learn.

Good job for your first GM. Keep it up.

Originally Posted by DJDhan
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ON TOPIC: Very good. I' lovin' it.
OFF TOPIC:I'd want to see a GM like Midnight Club, where you are in a vehicle and fight for the flag.
------- Thanks ------

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