[GameMode] [GM]Gang War Extreme

[center]Hi THis is my First gamemode and my first thing i have maked with pawno. I started Using Pawno 2 days ago so is not so good but please comment and say what i can do better. Its virus free. There are two gangs Groove Street and Ballas. i know very little about pawno so it is not good and not finished. i just realess v1,0
Update v2,0 new police and army team and a new buy gin selection is just to type /help to find out . spawnselection is bugged you cant see who you choose try ti fix so fast i can. V3,0 fixed camera pos. link http://www.mediafire.com/?fj0ukrfmnty
If you Gonna use it to a server or somthing please have my name with it. Johnny Landmark
New Update Removed All warnings new link http://www.mediafire.com/?15ztyimzdym

More information please.

now there is

I cant download it re-uploade it some where else


i sujest uploading here: http://limelinx.com/

Put more effort in your gm

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