Originally Posted by Dirkon
Hey ErroR, could you make blank script with working registratrion, because I don't understand how to do all that stuff. Yours installation is very small, no instructions. Sorry for bad english.
SetupUserSystem function:
Mode = If you set to 0, gui will not work. If you set to 1, gui will appear before spawn, 2= gui will appear after spawn
Default User Group = Default user group while players was registering. I suggest to type 0.
Min pass size = I suggest to type 4.
Failed login threshold = This option sets invalid login limit. I suggest to type 3.
SetupStatsSavingSystem function:
OnPlayerUpdate = If you set true, stats will be saved automaticly in onplayerupdate callback.
OnPlayerDisconnect = If you set true, stats will be saved automaticly in onplayerdisconnect callback.
OnPlayerStateChange = If you set true, stats will be saved automaticly in onplayerstatechage callback.
Timer Interval = If you enter a interval, stats will be saved automaticly with timer. If you set to 0, timer will not work.
[TUT]How to add additional entries in ErroR's registration system: