[GameMode] [GM] GodFather

Hello.Can someone tell me how to install that mod.What to read on server.cng file and where is the .amx file i see only the .pwn.PLS tell me Im newbie but i wanna learn.

post in the godfather topic

Originally Posted by XRVX
post in the godfather topic
That's the first thing he did, but there really wasn't a reason for him to post here.

I cant find where he is showing how to install it

Originally Posted by martooobg
I cant find where he is showing how to install it
Everything is explained on wiki, just search it.

Cant just someone tell me it will take you 2 mins. PLS

Originally Posted by martooobg
Cant just someone tell me it will take you 2 mins. PLS
At least check the sa:mp wiki and you'll see that everything is ALREADY explained there, so there's no need for others to do the same thing.

Look man i know its there im surching it but i cant find it i dont know what to read on server.cng so i read that echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password Changeme12
maxplayers 125
port 7777
hostname :: gf
gamemode0 gf
filterscripts gf -what to put here there is not .amx file
announce 0
query 1
maxnpc 10
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000

and its not working

I believe you want to put a gamemode on the server, not a filterscript - so leave the filterscripts line alone for now. You'll need to compile the source code (.pwn file) to get the .amx file for server. You'll also need an PAWN compiler.

Yes i want to put gamemod and i already did it but i dont know how to put skins into family so i try this godfather and i got the .pwn file but i dont have the .amx and i dont know where to get it.thats what im surching

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