08.04.2010, 16:22
new POST EDIT=============SOLVED
new error with c, this time imade test why i get allways answer 0.. and i made test program which shows that all arguments after scanf =0
the code..
it prints me:
also bump now cause old post was yesterday
help if you can
============OLD post solved==========
Please need help with C has anybody any idea how to make menu system look and you will understand, my script structure:
this one has error that i mentioned because it is abowe void menu
this is menu vuid from where i call other voids and i want menu has links to every void and every other void should had a back link
this is main and here is loaded menu void and some messages
hope understood, so i cant make links circle with voids, should i use some other call or add third void?
//===============edit no problem fixed destroyed circles
but now another proble i got crash even i try to sqare rise count or sqrt it
//that doesnt matter
fool me!
should bee
new error with c, this time imade test why i get allways answer 0.. and i made test program which shows that all arguments after scanf =0
the code..
float a,b,c,x1,x2,D; scanf("%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c); printf("readed:\na= %f\nb= %f\nc= %f\n",&a,&b,&c); // that is eror must be printf("readed:\na= %f\nb= %f\nc= %f\n",a,b,c); fool me :-[
readed: a=0.000000 b=0.000000 c=0.000000
help if you can
============OLD post solved==========
Please need help with C has anybody any idea how to make menu system look and you will understand, my script structure:
this one has error that i mentioned because it is abowe void menu
void calculator
void menu
int main
//===============edit no problem fixed destroyed circles
but now another proble i got crash even i try to sqare rise count or sqrt it
float n1, n0; scanf("%s %f",m0,n1); if(strcmp(m0,"end")==0)exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); //iseiti else if(strcmp(m0,"square")==0)n0=n1*n1; //sqare else if(strcmp(m0,"cube")==0)n0=n1*n1*n1; //cube else if(strcmp(m0,"sqrt")==0)n0= sqrt(n1); //sqrt else //if none { printf("Bad symbol of format");
fool me!
scanf("%s %f",m0,n1); |
scanf("%s %f",&m0,&n1);