09.04.2010, 19:23
I want to make a Roleplay Server. And need help.
When someone comes on my Roleplay server. He/she has no money.
How can I do it like this?
- Player gets 3000$ only 1 time when they have registed (not every spawn)
I need a good PayDay system with Level an Respectpoints.
That a player gets payday every hour
So when the player has lvl 1 - 1000$ (per hour)
when player has lvl 2 - 2000$
when player has lvl 3 - 3000$
and so on....
Can some1 explain that pls? or is there any toutorial?
Sorry baaaaaad english

hope 4 answ3rs
I want to make a Roleplay Server. And need help.
When someone comes on my Roleplay server. He/she has no money.
How can I do it like this?
- Player gets 3000$ only 1 time when they have registed (not every spawn)
I need a good PayDay system with Level an Respectpoints.
That a player gets payday every hour
So when the player has lvl 1 - 1000$ (per hour)
when player has lvl 2 - 2000$
when player has lvl 3 - 3000$
and so on....
Can some1 explain that pls? or is there any toutorial?
Sorry baaaaaad english

hope 4 answ3rs