05.04.2010, 22:38
Welcome to my edit of the orginal call of duty 5.
I dont realy no why im doing this mainly i think it will be the last month of my server or just i want people to have as much fun as i did running this script as i did.
I have edit a fare bit here is what i have done.
-new admin system (ladmin used for saving stats as level)
-Alot of new gangzones.
-Many bugs fixed( still three will state later that i know off).
-kill streak reward. (next version there will be one for each kill streak)
-All menus now dialog (apart from log in will be in next update).
Know bug's.
-One of the gun shops is bug you spawn in side the building but out side easy fix wil do soon.
-Plant bomb for Taliban team is bugged.
-/basestrike the explodtion sometimes doesn't stop.
I have test it just now and the script is fine if you get anything come up in pawno it is you now me.
If you find any more bugs please post them here.
Now the part you need.
v1.0.1 gunshop bug fixedNot much change just the gunshop bug fixed.
v1.0.2 /basestrike fixed
I am active here so post any problems o ranything at all here.
Credit also to
Lolumadd the creator of the original gamemode
Etch with bug fixing and add features
Torran for editing ladmin to save score.