25.03.2010, 00:23
[FS] Simple Vehicle Lights
This filterscript will allow you to toggle your vehicle lights on/off, it will save the status of the vehicle lights so if they are turned off, and you re-enter the vehicle, the lights will still be switched off._________________________________________________
After thinking i was the first to actually release this kind of filterscript i was quickly uploading, but sadly enough i was beaten, but i decided to release it anyway.
How to use:
You can toggle your vehicle lights on/off by pressing the ACTION (CTRL) key.
If you exit your vehicle with your lights OFF when you re-enter the vehicle the lights will be OFF (presuming no one has entered the vehicle and turned the lights on).
Thanks to JernejL (RedShirt) for the damage encoding code snippet.
~ You cannot use your lights in day time. (default in san andreas).
pawn Code:
if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
(includes .amx & .pwn)
Feel free to edit it to how you need it, but please don't re-release as your own.
Don't post comments saying this has already been released, please read my post first.
Fixed the vehicle repair problem