Need some help please

I need some help whit that
C:\Documents and Settings\Silviu\Desktop\BuLLeT Rp v1.0 finalizat\gamemodes\gf.pwn(1199) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found "{"
C:\Documents and Settings\Silviu\Desktop\BuLLeT Rp v1.0 finalizat\gamemodes\gf.pwn(32325) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "GetPointDistanceToPointExMorph"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
The line 1199 is this {105},//Grove
The line 32325 no longer exists

please help me

Post the code around line 1199 and we'll help you

Look on line 1199 and change the } at the end to }, this error i self explaining


new JoinPed[52][1] = {
{240},//BuLLeT Security

the line 1199 is {105},//Grove


You forget to add an , there. Hope it solved now

still dosent work

pawn Код:
new JoinPed[52][1] = {
{150}, //see here you forgot the ","
{240},//BuLLeT Security
Make sure after all those you have a closing bracket too.
Also, that warning only means that the function is never used, you can ignore it or remove it, or find some use for it.

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