Windedґs Sandbox mod - Create/Move/Rotate/delete objects ingame - v1.2!

-20 more object slots
-Fixed conflicts with other players. Every player can now spawn 30 objects themself.
-Added /objectcmds command to show cmds of the mod
-Added shorter commands (ex. /objectspawn can also be entered with /os). These new short commands can be found in /objectcmds
-Added game text of camera positions in movemode and rotatemode
-Added /objectcoordinates for showing coordinates of current used object (useful for making a static object on the same place in gamemode script)

-9 more object slots
-List of some of the object IDs
-Fix for freezed player when exiting object rotate mode.
-Adding ability to change camera position when moving or rotating.
-Fix "Unknown command" on /objectmovemax
-Added command /stuck if you get stuck inside an object
-Fix for decimal problem, using /objectmovedigits [amount] instead of normal /objectmovespeed

What is it?
Itґs a mod that makes you able to spawn object, rotate object, move object and delete object, ingame, for every player in the server.

Whats the idea of it?
What would you need to do to spawn your own object without this mod? You would need to create your own server, create an object in the script, which has single coordinates and cannot be moved ingame, and you need to port forward to host your server, and then you would need to advertise your server which only has one unmovable object, which isnt so interesting. What do you need to do to create an object with this mod? Simply enter a few commands and thats it.

Is it dangerous to my server?
Of course not, i have tested and fixed problems a lot, and come to a point that there is no bugs that could crash your server or do anything as worse as that. And you can unload the filterscript if youre getting scared.

Sounds good, but wheres proof? And where to download?
Download here.
Video below. New video of new version coming soon.
The examples aint so fancy, i dont have much imagination to build more useful stuff. But i think you can do better with this mod.

So how do i get it work?
Well, simply place the two files to filterscripts folder in your samp server folder and add the filterscript on server.cfg file. While ingame, you can use the following commands:
/objectspawn [object id], /objectspawn2 [object id], /objectspawn3 [object id] all the way to /objectspawn30 [object id] - Spawn an object
/objectused [object slot] - the object slot for moving/rotating/deleting desired object, example: Spawn an object with /objectspawn, that slot is slot 1, so use "/objectused 1" to get it selected for moving, rotating and deleting
/objectmove - Move the object, see keys in section "Keys:"
/objectrotate - rotate the object, see keys in section "Keys:"
/objectdelete - Delete the object
/objectmovespeed - Change the moving speed of the object in full coordinate units.
/objectmovedigits - Change the moving speed of the object in decimals (ex: entering "/objectmovedigits 1" will set move speed to 0.1)
/objectrotatespeed - Change the rotating speed of the object
/objectmovemax - Change the max moving speed, need to be admin to change
/objectids and /objectids2 - Show some object IDs
/objectcoordinates - Show coordinates of current used object
/objectcmds - Show commands of the mod
If you cant get the objects moved, its because MoveSpeed is a float variable, and cannot have a default value, which means you have to use /objectmovespeed to make your object movable.

When is newer version coming?
When i get it ready.

KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK (Vehicle enter button) - In move mode: move object to north. In rotate mode: Rotate object forward in y axel
KEY_CROUCH - In move mode: move object to south. In rotate mode: Rotate object backward in y axel
KEY_ANALOG_LEFT (Car hydraulics left button) - In move mode: move object to west. In rotate mode: Rotate object forward in x axel
KEY_ANALOG_RIGHT (Car hydraulics right button) - In move mode: move object to east. In rotate mode: Rotate object backward in x axel
KEY_SPRINT - In move mode: move object up. In rotate mode: Rotate object forward in z axel
KEY_WALK - In move mode: move object down. In rotate mode: Rotate object backward in z axel
KEY_FIRE - Exit to normal mode from both move mode and rotate mode
KEY_LOOK_BACK - Change between rotate mode and move mode

If you have any further questions, please ask, i will help. Also, if the rapidshare link stops working, i will upload somewhere else.

NOTE: if the compiler cannot find move that file from "..\include" to "..\pawno\include".

wow thanks, that sounds cool!! gonna try it thank you

Originally Posted by Ehab_Isaac101
wow thanks, that sounds cool!! gonna try it thank you
Thanks for trying. It has a little lack of features, but keep an eye out for v1.1 ill make lots of new stuff.


Lots of new stuff...

Great job mate

Originally Posted by ikarus
Great job mate
Thanks, this is my first script, so it aint so fancy, but im getting to that. If you can host a server, please test it with other players, because i havent tested. Report any bugs if you find any

As no one has posted this yet, ill post it myself. I think there is a bug, i noticed it when i left movemode on when i disconnected from the server, and joined again, i went straight back to the movemode.

Which means that if one player enters movemode, all players will have the camera set on the object, all players can move the object, etc. I am trying to fix this now for version 1.2
And ive been fixing it actually some time already, and there is no other option than disabling movemode when someone is in it, same to rotatemode.
There also may be a bug that when you enter movemode, you can move another playerґs spawned object. If this is occurring, please report here, so i know is it true or not.

Please send comments about this mod, compliments or else, i will stop making this mod if people dont like it or dont find any use for it. So if you want me to keep updating the mod, make a positive comment, please.

Any guide on adding this?

any video on how this works?? as it doesn't make much sense.

Originally Posted by ibab
Any guide on adding this?
What do you mean? Adding where? server.cfg if you mean where to enable this filterscript. And move the 2 files to filterscripts folder, of course.

Originally Posted by Winded
Originally Posted by ibab
Any guide on adding this?
What do you mean? Adding where? server.cfg if you mean where to enable this filterscript. And move the 2 files to filterscripts folder, of course.
I'm new to this and didn't know where this goes to. Tho, any list of item ID's? I've tried some random ones but everything has been just blank.

Originally Posted by ibab
Originally Posted by Winded
Originally Posted by ibab
Any guide on adding this?
What do you mean? Adding where? server.cfg if you mean where to enable this filterscript. And move the 2 files to filterscripts folder, of course.
I'm new to this and didn't know where this goes to. Tho, any list of item ID's? I've tried some random ones but everything has been just blank.
/objectids and /objectids2 should give you some objects. Give it a try. A basic ramp for stunts is id 1655.

Video uploaded, check it out if you dont understand whats this mod about. It may take sometime for youtube to process it, but i think it is ready when you watch it.

looks very nice man, Good Job :P

Originally Posted by [DJ
[SF]Зурэ Яииr ∞™ ]
looks very nice man, Good Job :P
Thanks, be sure to look on this topic sometimes, might update to v 1.2, fixing conflicts and stuff. It will be last update depending on peoples comments.

This could be made a bit more simple to be used.
If you could add like command "/objectmenu" which opens a popup menu with "Spawn Object", "Move Object", "Delete Object" and such.
Once selected, it brings up another menu. For example in "Spawn Object" it brings up a menu of Item ID's. Once the right Item ID has been pressed, it appears in front of you. (At the moment it spwans it right to the place where you stand. Then you have to move it to be able to get walking)

Although thats just my opinion.
Its already good, just that you got to get used to it.


Fixed the most annoying bug; conflicts.

Ok, its time to bump up

Should i keep making this mod?

well i think development shoudl continue. Is there any way that the object will be saved if i reset my server?

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