[Include] [INC]SimpleFiles - ۞ Save your accounts as easy as never before ۞

SimpleFiles.inc - Save your accounts as easy as never before

SimpleFiles is an include to save accounts.
I though i want to create a file include which is clear and easy to use.
So i started to create SimpleFiles:
-It's based on dini and dutils and it also includes "encode" and "decode" from dudb.
-The passwords are in hash format.
-There are only easy functions
-The second pack includes a Register+Login FS


© Copyright by Rafelder
Credits to:
-DracoBlue for encode and decode
-wiki.sa-mp for hash
-Rafelder for SimpleFiles


Register+Login FS:
-Command: /register [password], /login [password], /setpass [old password] [new password] [new password again]
-Saves just money at the moment but you can edit it.
-Scripted with SimpleFiles


FileCreate(filename[], password[]);
Creates a new files with an hash password if it doesn't exist already.

Deletes a file if the filename exists.

Checks if the filename exists.

SaveFileString(filename[], key[], string[]);
Saves a string into a given key in a given file.

SaveFileInteger(filename[], key[], integer);
Saves a integer into a given key in a given file.

SaveFileFloat(filename[], key[], Float:float);
Saves a float into a given key in a given file.

GetFileString(filename[], key[]);
Returns a string of a given key in a given file.

GetFileInteger(filename[], key[]);
Returns a integer of a given key in a given file.

GetFileFloat(filename[], key[]);
Returns a float of a given key in a given file.

IsRightPassword(filename[], password[])
Checks the password with hash.

ChangePassword(filename[], newpassword[]);
Changes the password in hash format.

EditFileName(filename[], newname[]);
Changes the filename.


To check a password (for example in /login) use:
pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmd, "/login", true) == 0)
new playerpassword[256];
playerpassword = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if (IsRightPassword(PlayerName(playerid), playerpassword)) {//Use this line to check passwords
//Do something if its right
} else {
//Do something if its wrong
return 1;

Please write a comment if you download the file
I would be happy.

SimpleFiles.inc + Testmode <=> SimpleFiles.inc + Testmode + Register/Login FS

oooh nice

N I C E !!!!

Originally Posted by [M
kc ]
oooh nice
Originally Posted by [M
cmg4life ]
N I C E !!!!
Thanks and thanks

Wath is best? Dini or SimpleFiles?

//EDIT: 100 post

It's basically the same exact thing with name changes and adding of passwords.

Nice enough

Buth dini it takes many memories

Originally Posted by [P7
Pixels^ ]
It's basically the same exact thing with name changes and adding of passwords.
I said i want to have a easy include with easy functions
And dini doesn't use hash+encode+decode.
dubd uses this functions but i think dudb isn't as easy as SimpleFiles
Originally Posted by Maniek
Wath is best? Dini or SimpleFiles?
SimpleFiles is based on dini


Buth dini it takes many memories

Not really.
pawn Код:
//FileCreate(filename[], password[]); is the same as

this is automatic yo = translation = good

Originally Posted by Cale
this is automatic yo = translation = good

I updated the file, now it includes a Register+Login FS in SimpleFiles format.
Look at the first post.

I could hug you right now!!!! Just what I needed, Functions that proclaim!! the name.

THANNNNKSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Man ur a god i needed this to create my rpg server and i dont know how to use dudb thanks mannnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by waxhunter
i needed this to create my rpg server and i dont know how to use dudb thanks mannnn!
Thats the reason why i made this include. Thanks

hey so i did a stats saving thing, well , saves them , but doesnt load them, WHY ?


and the prints show up :P

Because SimpleFiles saves files as txt file: *.txt

so instead of ini i use .txt ?

tryed now doesnt save/load a thing

could u do it working ? also i removed password[] from FileCreate :P

Nice one! I've just checked it out but, the weird thing is that it can't compile. I get 7 errors, 6 of these: "array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small" and one "symbol already defined: "strtok". I realize that it says it has strtok already defined, so I placed // in front of the "extra strtok" and my PAWN compiler crashed. The "array sizes do not match..." are caused by the extra strtok, but I really have no idea how to fix it. Do you have maybe any idea on what else could I try to fix up these errors?


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