Looking for a decent scripter

both my site and the server. I just need a lot of help as i`m kind of a good scripter but not a pro at it. If your interested please pm me like i said. I`m sorry that i can`t offer money as many scripters would like to have money. But i can offer you the following:

What will you get:
Admin rights to server
Admin rights to website/Forums
Access to the script and the server hoster (When i get one)
Owner/Co- Owner for script (What ever you want to choose.)
What ever else you request that i might be able to do.

Thanks for anyone interested and please don`t screw me over as i WILL NOT do that to you as i`m not that kind of person. I can be very friendly and we can work together well. Also if you have any spare time please teach me a few lessons on how to script.
I`m Only Looking For One Scripter!! Thanks for any interests.

Dude do you want to get banned? Why do you think they blocked your last post think?

I don`t care. They don`t need to block my posts because i`m not offering money. Thats no reason to lock it.

Originally Posted by Josh_Kerns
I don`t care. They don`t need to block my posts because i`m not offering money. Thats no reason to lock it.
MOST scripters want money to script so good luck and avoid the script stealers, if your doing a RP server more chance no ones going to script

Yea but it`s only a few edits they need to really do as some parts can be messed up. If there good enough they may not want money at all because maybe how fast it took them or not that much to do. For most scripters there just looking for a quick buck and half the time your not even sure if the person is going to even steal your money or not

Admin please lock this topic. And just a little suggetion just script some other GM lkike a CnR or DM or TDM and stunts etc...then you will be good enough to script Roleplays. That is what im doing i'm scripting a CnR and everyonce in awhile when i learn new coding i go on over to my script add it test it bring some friends on play it and shut it off and switch back to CnR. So scripting just takes time and practice.

Yea well i`m just asking for a little bit of help. Not have people cry about Admins locking stuff. This is suppose to be a helpful community not Admins lock everything on people. I am one of those people who need help and am willing to learn from other people. I have tried to look at a script to learn and see what they do. Any success? Nope because i`m not sure were people are getting this stuff from. But what ever i`m done with this topic. No one ever helps people on here they just jump all over people.

i would help but as i am not very good at scripting if you need someone to help with errors and maybe right some code ill do it for free

Ill help aswell. Im currently Making an LV-RP Script from scratch. So I can help when not doing that,

It`s not so much of writing lines it`s more of editing a few lines as my pm system does not seem to work, Police commands none of them are working at all, and when i spawn at certain point like every log in you get a death spawn. This only happens randomly. Like if i type /gmx to restart my mode and everyone re spawns we will say like 20 people, They will all spawn then die afterwards and it gets annoying.

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