[Help] Player Cant Exit Vehicle

Hello Samp forum.
I've tried a few ways to do so a player cant exit a vehicle, but none of them works. I've tried with if his in vehicle bla and old state was driver and new is onfoot then putplayerinvehicle. but it doesnt work?
Anybody know why?

Make an 1 sec reapeted timer that checks if the player is on foot.If yes, make it it to put him back

then i need to use SetTimerEx right?
and if i use SetTimerEx, i need to set it as an array?
how do i forward it if theres an array with the same name?

You don't need to use SetTimerEx, you can use SetTimer and make a loop for all players.

it needs to be killed when the player exists a vehicle?
EDIT: i've tried, it doesnt work?

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