i want to create IsPlayerAimHead Function, PLZ help...

I have this function:
stock IsPlayerAiming(playerid, aimid)
    // Luby's function.
    new Float:X1, Float:Y1, Float:Z1, Float:X2, Float:Y2, Float:Z2;
    GetPlayerPos(playerid, X1, Y1, Z1);
    GetPlayerPos(aimid, X2, Y2, Z2);
    new Float:Distance = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(X1-X2), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(Y1-Y2), 2));
    if(Distance < 100)
        new Float:A;
        GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, A);
        X1 += (Distance * floatsin(-A, degrees));
        Y1 += (Distance * floatcos(-A, degrees));
        Distance = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(X1-X2), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(Y1-Y2), 2));
        if(Distance < 0.5)
          return true;
    return false;
I want to change to code here to check if the player is aiming to the another player's head...
Please help.

I don't think this is possible.

You cant get Coordinates for Aiming Point, but you can create a Random Headshot Function

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