24.02.2010, 10:44
Lots of people don't know but XS was started in December 2009.We were doing great and on 31 December 2009 we reached 31 players(non-Hosted list).Some days later we reached 49 players(also nonHosted list).We were doing really good until we changed our IP.Our players went boom and we had only 2 people as an average.We had about average of 14 people a day on the old server.Now we have shut down our server and we are creating a version 3 ,what has more than 10000+ teles etc.As a result of making v3 we are releasing our old v2.
Features in-game:
PM system
If player has a name that is blocked he is kicked(You can set blockd names in GM line 134)
About 600 cars.
About 2400 objects.
Join/Leave messages.
Music when player chooses skin.
Position saver! /sp
Postion loader! /lp
SA-MP 0.3a dialogs
Lots of improvements.
Lots of teleports.
Some pictures:

Download the whole XSv2 package here:

Lots of people don't know but XS was started in December 2009.We were doing great and on 31 December 2009 we reached 31 players(non-Hosted list).Some days later we reached 49 players(also nonHosted list).We were doing really good until we changed our IP.Our players went boom and we had only 2 people as an average.We had about average of 14 people a day on the old server.Now we have shut down our server and we are creating a version 3 ,what has more than 10000+ teles etc.As a result of making v3 we are releasing our old v2.
Features in-game:
PM system
If player has a name that is blocked he is kicked(You can set blockd names in GM line 134)
About 600 cars.
About 2400 objects.
Join/Leave messages.
Music when player chooses skin.
Position saver! /sp
Postion loader! /lp
SA-MP 0.3a dialogs
Lots of improvements.
Lots of teleports.
Some pictures:

Download the whole XSv2 package here: