21.02.2010, 00:34
Hi there guys ,
well basically i am using double-o-objects streamer which includes checkpoint streaming. I am completey stuck and do not have a clue.
This is the include file for making checkpoints
I am really looking for guidence on how to make it work.
I need checkpoints for certain things like entering interiors etc,
3055,-2625.5183,2.6976 is the cords of a cehckpoint i need to make and i know you need createcechpoint blabla
but i need someone to explain how to use this streamer.
Please help , and i have searched and found nothing.
well basically i am using double-o-objects streamer which includes checkpoint streaming. I am completey stuck and do not have a clue.
This is the include file for making checkpoints
//+--------------------------+ //¦ DOUBLE-O-CHECKPOINTS ¦ //¦ by Double-O-Seven ¦ //+--------------------------+ /* You are not allowed to edit and release this include without my permission. You are only allowed to edit for yourself. ...and don't remove my credits. */ #include <a_samp> #define MAX_CPS 500 #define INVALID_CP -1 new CPActive[MAX_CPS]; new Float:CPCoords[MAX_CPS][3]; new Float:CPInfo[MAX_CPS][2]; new CPInterior[MAX_CPS]; new CPShowForAll[MAX_CPS]; new CPShowForPlayer[MAX_CPS][MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerCP[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Create and destroy: forward CreateCheckpoint(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,interior,Float:size,Float:distance,showforall);//Set showforall to "false", if you want to show the checkpoint to players only in special moments. public CreateCheckpoint(Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,interior,Float:size,Float:distance,showforall)//Set interior to -1 to show it in all interiors. { for(new i=0;i<MAX_CPS;i++) { if(!CPActive[i]) { CPActive[i]=true; CPCoords[i][0]=x; CPCoords[i][1]=y; CPCoords[i][2]=z; CPInterior[i]=interior; CPInfo[i][0]=size; CPInfo[i][1]=distance; ShowCheckpointForAll(i,showforall); return i; } } return printf("[error] Could not create checkpoint"); } forward DestroyCheckpoint(cpid); public DestroyCheckpoint(cpid) { if(CPActive[cpid]) { CPActive[cpid]=false; CPCoords[cpid][0]=0; CPCoords[cpid][1]=0; CPCoords[cpid][2]=0; CPInterior[cpid]=0; CPInfo[cpid][0]=0; CPInfo[cpid][1]=0; ShowCheckpointForAll(cpid,false); return cpid; } return printf("[error] Could not destroy checkpoint"); } //Show or hide; use "true" to show, "false" to hide. forward ShowCheckpointForAll(cpid,show); public ShowCheckpointForAll(cpid,show) { CPShowForAll[cpid]=show; for(new j=0;j<MAX_PLAYERS;j++) ShowCheckpointForPlayer(j,cpid,show); return show; } forward ShowCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,cpid,show); public ShowCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,cpid,show) { CPShowForPlayer[cpid][playerid]=show; if(PlayerCP[playerid]==cpid && !show) { PlayerCP[playerid]=INVALID_CP; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); } return show; } //Callbacks: DOCP_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)//Put this under OnPlayerDisconnect() in your script. { PlayerCP[playerid]=INVALID_CP; for(new i=0;i<MAX_CPS;i++) ShowCheckpointForPlayer(playerid,i,CPShowForAll[i]); return 1; } DOCP_OnGameModeInit()//Put this under OnGameModeInit() in your script. { return SetTimer("CheckpointStreamer",1000,1); } //Streamer: forward CheckpointStreamer(); public CheckpointStreamer() { new cpid; new Float:tmpdis; for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { cpid=GetClosestCheckpoint(i); if(IsValidCheckpoint(cpid)) { GetDistanceToPoint(i,CPCoords[cpid][0],CPCoords[cpid][1],CPCoords[cpid][2],tmpdis); if(tmpdis<=CPInfo[cpid][1] && (GetPlayerInterior(i)==CPInterior[cpid] || CPInterior[cpid]==-1) && CPShowForPlayer[cpid][i]) { if(PlayerCP[i]!=cpid) { PlayerCP[i]=cpid; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i); SetPlayerCheckpoint(i,CPCoords[cpid][0],CPCoords[cpid][1],CPCoords[cpid][2],CPInfo[cpid][0]); } } else if(PlayerCP[i]!=INVALID_CP) { PlayerCP[i]=INVALID_CP; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i); } } //else are no checkpoints created... } } return 1; } //Necessary functions: stock GetDistanceToPoint(playerid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,&Float:dis) { new Float:x1,Float:y1,Float:z1; GetPlayerPos(playerid,x1,y1,z1); dis=floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(x,x1)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(y,y1)),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(z,z1)),2)); return 1; } stock GetClosestCheckpoint(playerid) { new Float:dis=100000.0; new Float:tmpdis; new cpid=INVALID_CP; for(new i=0;i<MAX_CPS;i++) { if(IsValidCheckpoint(i)) { GetDistanceToPoint(playerid,CPCoords[i][0],CPCoords[i][1],CPCoords[i][2],tmpdis); if(tmpdis<dis && CPShowForPlayer[i][playerid]) { dis=tmpdis; cpid=i; } } } return cpid; } stock GetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid) { if(IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid) && PlayerCP[playerid]!=INVALID_CP) return PlayerCP[playerid]; return INVALID_CP; } stock IsValidCheckpoint(cpid) { if(cpid==INVALID_CP) return false; if(cpid<0 || cpid>=MAX_CPS) return false; if(!CPActive[cpid]) return false; return true; }
I need checkpoints for certain things like entering interiors etc,
3055,-2625.5183,2.6976 is the cords of a cehckpoint i need to make and i know you need createcechpoint blabla
but i need someone to explain how to use this streamer.
Please help , and i have searched and found nothing.