Army only skins?

Hello, I'm looking for a command that puts someone in The Army so they can use The Army Skin. (Classid 0)
If possible it should save, so the player will still be in The Army if he disconnects or the server restarts.
I already have a registration system. (I am using Dudb)

/makesoldier [PlayerID] - Puts the player into The Army, giving ability to use The Army Skin.

Here is an example:
First I type /makesoldier 3 - Putting ID 3 into The Army.
If the player is not in The Army he can not use The Army Skin. (Classid 0)
If the player is in The Army he can use The Army Skin. (Classid 0)
When the player who is in The Army disconnects, it will save into his save file.
When the server restarts, all who is in the army will get saved into their save files.

Well I think that was all and I certainly hope that someone can make this for me.

Just make something alike if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pArmy] >=1 )
else return 1;

And how to save it etc.
Please come up with something better



if u have a register system u sure save bank info and stuff. just save the skin id, and if player has a skin different than 0, then set his skin on spawn

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