Your Fish tanks (ALL FISH)

What kind of fish do you have? Plus all other water thingys.

I have 7 different gold fish's and small things, And also i Just got a crab :3 I will take a video soon, But this video just shows the fish.

My Fish - Crab soon!

We used to have a goldfish when I was little but it died, my sister got one recently then she got another, both died. So now I just have the hammerhead in the loch outside.


Lol.... cool fishes i guess.... i don't have any lol.

Originally Posted by WeeDarr
We used to have a goldfish when I was little but it died, my sister got one recently then she got another, both died. So now I just have the hammerhead in the loch outside.

Thats a fucking cool avatar. On topic, I have one fish. I had others but the one that's alive now ate the others for some reason.

i got 3 gold fish

I did have 18 in my pond, But the pond pump fell over and the filter on the back fell off... And well... I feel sorry for the little white fish. *flush*

Now I've got 17, and they are happy i guess...

I have to redo my fish tank, Its just a case of dirty water with one fish who won't die.

Uhmm.. Just a Green Malaysian Arowana, Flowerhorn, Dragon Fin, Alligator Gar, and Oscar (Albino)

Bmw S85

I want some fish but i have 2 cats 1's a murdering bitch and the others a fat bastard.


Use used to have a goldfish when I was little. It died, then I got 3 smaller goldfish. My mum hated them and we flushed them away. Poor fishies

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