Any other commands for medics?

I have /heal, What else can i make for medics?

/mr [text] - (medic radio, so all medics can communicate with eachother)
/give [id] [item] - item could be, small medikit, and large medikit. then the user who gets the item can do /use [item]
maybe for other players /callmedic


Trace system with callmedic system. Then medic can drive to patient better and fast.

maybe a medic should be able to sell something like an "urgent infusion", like adrenaline, which can be used by a player at any time when he needs it, or make a player /sick, or /infect him...
edit: maybe a medic could sell you an insurance too?

/operation - it will change ur sex. :}

Don't say that this isn't usefull. This is for those, who choose wrong sex.

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