please answer all these issues

Guys anyone know how to create an animation if someone got near the chair?

I got problems with creating red checkpoint that teleport players to the next red checkpoint. any help?

where can i get list of sounds and how to create them ?

and the last thing wrong is that i made this script of menu but it didn't work will:

new TestMenuStrings[6][17] = {"Rules", "Vechiles Commands", "Class Commands", "Dm Rules", "Tutorial Area", "Foot Commands"};
and the issue is :

error 018: initialization data exceeds declared size
when i make it with test1,test2,...,test6 it works .

but when i try to change the words to this it didn't work will why ?

i got a also problem with this code:


ApplyAnimation(playerid,"INT_OFFICE","OFF_Sit_Read ",4.1,1,1,1,1,1);//load the animation
ApplyAnimation(playerid,"INT_OFFICE","OFF_Sit_Read ",4.1,1,1,1,1,1);//Play the animation ONCE

it said that there was no problem but when enter the server the animation doen't do anything

Try, it will help you with the sounds, and possibly the red checkpoint thing, just make it so when u enter the checkpoint it does, SetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z);

You might need a checkpoint streamer too, search these forums for one, they're easy to find

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