[Tool/Web/Other] [PHP] SA-MP Website Banlist Parser

SA-MP Website Banlist Parser

The code is now cleaner, and simpler to a degree. Basically, this little script i have written for you all allows you to show your banlist on your website, and format it in any way you want.

For example, you could show the ip's of the 10 most recent bans.


void Bans::__construct(string $fHost, string $fUser, string $fPass)
$fHost - remote ftp host to connect to
$fUser - remote ftp username to connect to
$fPass - remote ftp password to connect to

string Bans::rawList(string $fVar)
Reads banlist and returns it as a string with each ban on a new line
$fVar - the file to read from

void Bans::cron(string $remote_file)
Downloads banlist as 'samp.ban', good for cronjob
$remote_file - the remote file to download (eg. 'samp03svr/samp.ban' or 'samp.ban')

string Bans:arseBan(string $format, bool $ASC=TRUE, int $LIMIT=0, bool $todayOnly=false)
Formats the banlist and other select options in the way you wish
$format - the specified format to use when formatting the banlist. format arguments:
#DATE - date of the ban
#DTIME - date and time of the ban, separated by a '-' in the middle
#TIME - time of the ban
#USER - display the username that was banned
#IP - display the ip that was banned
#BTYPE - type of ban issued (eg, range ban)
$ASC - toggle to display the ban list in ascending format, true will order it ascending
false will order the ban list descending
$LIMIT - limit of bans to print, 0 for unlimited
$todayOnly - display only todays bans, true will only show todays bans, false will show all

Download (Class + Example)
Heres a Live Example.

Extract the Bans.rar and upload it to your website or wherever you have a PHP parser installed and would like to display the bans.
Setup a cron job to run however often you like (i recommend every 20 or so minutes) and point it to your cron job script which calls the Bans::cron function, an example cron job script is included in the download (example_cron.php)

There are two example files included

example_index.php is an example page which shows how the parser can be used to format your banlist
example_cron.php is an example cron job script, little editing is necessary.

Additionally, here are some more examples of Bans:arseBan function, as it's documented quite confusingly.

PHP код:
= new Bans("localhost""root""pass");
$Bans->parseBan("<li>#USER(#IP) banned at #TIME, #DATE</li>"false10);
PHP код:
= new Bans("localhost""root""pass");
$Bans->parseBan("#USER was banned at #TIME on #DATE, #BTYPE"false).'<br/>';

Awesome script, Handy for if you want a neat professional outlook on your ban list, Highly recommended PHP script!.

Nice, but I'll never learn it
I'm starting with HTML and CSS, then I'll go to PHP and maybe try this.

I can't seem to connect, does it matter if it's SFTP instead FTP

I'm 100% sure the login details are correct

luv ur deescreepti0n mah C;

Originally Posted by =Contador=
I can't seem to connect, does it matter if it's SFTP instead FTP

I'm 100% sure the login details are correct
I havent tested this but i just modified the class and changed the ftp to a ssl connection.
If your using a port other than 21 for sftp, then in your cfg make sure you specify which port (ie cfg("samp.ban", "localhost", "root", "toor", YOUR PORT); )

this is all what I get:

Warning: fopen(samp.ban) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bans\ban.class.php on line 127

Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for samp.ban in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bans\ban.class.php on line 128

Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bans\ban.class.php on line 128

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bans\ban.class.php on line 129

Warning: join() [function.join]: Bad arguments. in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\bans\ban.class.php on line 183

it means that samp.ban or whatever your calling your banfile isnt getting downloaded to your webserver properly

And how to download it propely if you have called samp.ban like: "r"
$file = fopen($this->fLocation, 'r');

even after changing r to samp.ban, it shows the same errors.

thats the class method, your not supposed to modify that.
the class is simply an object that you use, look at the example index.php file
you use the cfg method to configure which file you want to use ( $ban->cfg("samp.ban"); )

So I have to replace
$file = fopen($this->fLocation, 'r');
		$data = fread($file, filesize($this->fLocation));
with something else?

Im not good @ php.. sorry for being annoying.

no, dont replace anything in ban.class.php
download the example file and open up index.php, look at how the code works there.

the ban.class.php file in simple terms is a set of instructions for php to follow when setting up the ban list, you dont need to change anything in it, its there for you to use externally (in a webpage, like index.php)

add my msn and i can help you over that


This guy is an amazing web designer; exactly why I am paying him $50 for a website

$Ty = $j2[6];
This Pretty much cuts off and ( Reason ) for ban....


which SHOULD read:

[Tom_Gates]Exploiting Vehicles

What would you recommend to reconstruct the array to include till the end of line ?

i suppose you could limit the explode and just cut it off at the final ], then use the rest of it as a reason string, i didnt have a ban test file with a reason so i didnt put it in,
the class overall is poorly written imo, was made at 2am, i'll be re-writing it soon =P

dont know about 'Poor'

Im a big Fan of Nuke ( one of the Former Devs ) ...

And this class function is generating a page with 78 Bans at 0.00032 seconds

Its even Faster after the initial page load because of the Cache system im using

Good but,,
can you also make a local version?
without ftp

haha you pown, thanks:


Looks nice!
too bad im nub at PHP

It's great, thank you so much

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