[FilterScript] [FS] aeroplane ejection system

this as the title says an EJECTION SYSTEM for all aeroplanes, THATS AEROPLANES NOT HELICOPTERS.

i see on the samp forum that afew players were in need of some sort of ejection system that wasnt on a /command so i made this hope it helps as it is my first bit of scripting that i have released.

i know there are probly plenty of other ones out there and they not to hard to make use it as you will as it says in the top of the script

use it , love it , laugh at it what ever

any way here is the pastebin link :- http://pastebin.com/fc6b05d5

change it or code it into your own script i dont mind as allways a bit of credit possibly.

what it does :-

it allows you to eject from any aeroplane and it gives you a parachute by pressing the crouch button.


ps its funny the first time you eject but dont press the button while still on the ground as it still works and you end up dead on top the plane if your not fast enogh to open your chute i dont know how to make it so it only works above a certain hight but some one will know if it is possible.

PSS:- there are a few textdraws in it but they are just for show.

PSSS :- i will try and make a video of it and post it as soon as i can but not really much to show apart from your going to crash or for fun, you press the button and you shoot +30 z axis above the plane with a parachute.

Uh what a complicated code
pawn Код:
stock IsAPlane(carid)
  new Planes[] = { 520, 476, 593, 553, 513, 512, 577, 592, 511, 460, 519 };
  for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(Planes); i++)
    if(GetVehicleModel(carid) == Planes[i]) return 1;
  return 0;
Isn't this simplier?
pawn Код:
stock IsAPlane(carid)
    case 520, 476, 593, 553, 513, 512, 577, 592, 511, 460, 519: return 1;
  return 0;

yeah that does look alot better

sorry if i have gone the hard way i only really start scripting about three months ago but i will do that thanks you for the input $ЂЯĢ

And also this would be working and simplier method
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
    if((newkeys & KEY_CROUCH))
        new Float:pos[3]; GetPlayerPos(playerid,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "EJECTING", 5000, 5);

yeah cool but i had to add one of these ) to the end of if(IsAPlane(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))
thanks again

not tested it yet but thanks alot and sorry for the heavy handed way that i script but going by what you have said i can cut the amount of lines in my [GM] that is in developement witch is what this was done for aswell.

EDIT :- just tested with all those bits changed and works like a dream thanks again


o.O nice but easy to make :P

Nice! good job man.

thank you everyone for the positive feedback and the help with me making things to complicated :P :P


i will be looking to update this soon as my friend wants it to work on unwanted passangers in any vehicle

so any ideas on improvments would be greatly recieved

and thanks for all the help and good comments on it

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