Is it Possible???

Is it possible to make a object movein rotation as the function MoveObject(......) The object must move as the function MoveObject, no as SetObjectRot(.....). Thanks...

To rotate object animated?
Yes, it is, using SetObjectRot.

Just create timer like

pawn Код:
forward ObjectRotater();
public ObjectRotater()
    new Float:Xrotation, Float:Yrotation, Float:Zrotation;
    GetObjectRot(YourObject, Xrotation, Yrotation, Zrotation);
    SetObjectRot(YourObject, Xrotation, Yrotation, Zrotation+0.1);
and SetTimer("ObjectRotater", 10, 1);

Thanks for helping...

Originally Posted by Johnson_boy

and SetTimer("ObjectRotater", 10, 1);
Don't set the timer value 10, it will lag your server (Expection if you don't use it after OnGameModeInit)

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