[INC + FS] Server Side Money (Cash) (+ TextDraw) (SscreenShot Added)

Server Side Money (Cash)

Getting sick of those money hackers? Use a serverside money system.
This was already released on the forum (PCash + 1 from X_cutter)
But this one has got a text draw wich is updating very seconds so the ammount of Cash
is always showing above the weapons (see screenshot)


SetPlayerCash(playerid, value);
GivePlayerCash(playerid, value);
GetPlayerCash(playerid, value);

- Moved TextDraw create to OnPlayerConnect
- Added [MAX_PLAYERS] to CashDraw
- Pt [playerid] when using the function
- Added ResetPlayerCash

How to Convert Scripts with normal money to cash
Just Ctrl + H in Pawno Fill in the first box: GivePlayerMoney and in
the second: GivePlayerCash
Click OK and a message will apear just click Yes, All or something.
Then do the same thing but fill in the following:
First Box: GetPlayerMoney
Second Box: GetPlayerCash
If you have A SetPlayerMoney function just replace it with SetPlayerCash.

[color=blue]Download (Please Redownload)
_________________________________________________ Inlcude: http://pastebin.com/d78228909
Filterscript: http://pastebin.com/f26696221
Screenshot: http://i46.tinypic.com/20ibyd.jpg


Thats Nice Anticheat!!
And nice tut!!


Screens ?

Sorry, forgot
Moment ill make :P

EDIT: Added: http://i46.tinypic.com/20ibyd.jpg

One problem tho...the textdraw is "global" which means that every time it updates for a player it would show that players money but to everyone that is connected and has the textdraw shown..correct me if im wrong..?

No the function in: OnFilterScriptInit does only create it.
The function in: OnPlayerConnect: TextDrawShowForPlayer wich shows it to the player only

Wrong, you have to create one textdraw for each single player at OnPlayerConnect.

No its not:
https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/TextDrawShowForPlayer << I never tested it with somebody else..
I forgot to add the function TextDrawShowForPlayer on player connect But i should show for the player only

You should listen to people instead of telling them your wrong.

Add [MAX_PLAYERS] to your new Text:blablabla;

add [playerid] in every function where you refer to the textdraw.

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