My server wont go online please help

heres my problem
server will work on def ip 127.0....
when i forwoard the port on router to 7777 and see my ip on www.whatsmyip and add this port nothing happen.
I have 6 comp. on that router so server can work on lan,
so the ip on that comp. is different from that on www.whatsmyip.
on lan works but wont go online.
And this.
when i get a ban from some server all my area thats cower this network is banned.
And this.
And on my friends comp. is the same ip as at my home.
What is the problem??
Please help me.... :'(

Originally Posted by Elmin
when i get a ban from some server all my area thats cower this network is banned.
That's because ban is getting and saving ur IP. Nothing more.


i know that but why my server wont go online

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