What Would You Like To See In "Windows 8"

I'd like to see the co-operation between parts as you find on a mac. And the quickness it brings with it.

Originally Posted by CJ101
Actually now that i think about it, Vista was shit.. So we want a OS thats not like that. Personally i dont know why they bothered with 7. Now we have windows 8? Obviously they want to make money, but MS just needs to get it right.. I mean linux cant even get viruses.
Even Linux, Apple do that, after they realese one OS they have already been working on its successor for like 3 months.

Originally Posted by CJ101
Actually now that i think about it, Vista was shit.. So we want a OS thats not like that. Personally i dont know why they bothered with 7. Now we have windows 8? Obviously they want to make money, but MS just needs to get it right.. I mean linux cant even get viruses.
Linux can get viruses and does have viruses and so does Mac.
The reason Windows has so many viruses is because the virus makers target the OS with the most market share.

Originally Posted by Malice
A 2010 version of Windows XP.
Why should Microsoft downgrade their OS because your PC can't handle it?
It's like Rockstar Games should keep 2D graphics because your Windows 95 PC can't handle GTA3.

Originally Posted by Killerkid.
It's like Rockstar Games should keep 2D graphics because your Windows 95 PC can't handle GTA3.
I lol'd at that xD

MS should make a Windows special for gaming whit out widgets and stuff

in 8..ermm let me see..maybe a virtual reality thing...


Originally Posted by Seif_
Isn't 7 faster than XP? If not I'll just stick with XP.
It's fast trust me, and it looks sooo pretty!!

Originally Posted by Malice
What exactly have they changed in Windows 7?
They basically made it what Vista was SUPPOSED to be. And by god it was worth the wait.

Originally Posted by Malice
It has the most support of any OS
Wrong! Their stopping XP support very soon. It's not as supported as Windows 7.

IMO, Widnows 7, is the current edition of XP. Vista was a disaster. And XP was my fav.

Windows 7 is the best OS microsoft has EVER released. It beats both XP and Vista(obv). Those that complain that windows 7 sucks, can't run it, windows 7 requires highers specs than XP, I've used XP for 6 years, including the time I downgraded from Vista, XP is pretty stable, though the looks are horrible and starts messing up after a while.

Windows 7 > *

Originally Posted by Kylla
I never had problems with XP, I had it from day one..I only got Windows 7 when the RC versions was released.

Used Vista, now using Windows 7 RC ( still), and i have nothing to complain of.

I currently use Windows 7 Ultimate FULL version. i LOVE IT!!

Originally Posted by Donny
I'd like to see a package manager type of thing like we get on Ubuntu (this).

You know like when we type "appwizz.cpl" in the run prompt to get add/remove, well we would type I dunno like "package.cpl" and get the list of all packages, it's info, how many installed and all that. People could submit packages to some kind of MS database for verification and then it goes onto the official list (in our app) so we can download and install it.
Ok, so what's the difference between packages and install programs? Either way, you're installing the software. Setup programs (like MSI files) are already packages , so there's really no point to that in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Killerkid.
Originally Posted by CJ101
Actually now that i think about it, Vista was shit.. So we want a OS thats not like that. Personally i dont know why they bothered with 7. Now we have windows 8? Obviously they want to make money, but MS just needs to get it right.. I mean linux cant even get viruses.
Linux can get viruses and does have viruses and so does Mac.
The reason Windows has so many viruses is because the virus makers target the OS with the most market share.
The quote you replied to absolutely made me lmao. If someone did sucessfully make a huge virus for Mac, they'd all be screwed. They have no security software or anti-virus. Mac OS X is the most unsecure OS ever.

But what I want for Windows 8 is automatic error handling. When something crashes, for example due to a missing DLL file, Windows will automatically go out and download that file. Also, the footprint Windows makes is HUGE and needs to be shrunk. When Win95 first came out, it could have an installation less than 30MB. With Windows 7, you can barely have an installation less than 15GB, so a lot of the depreciated clutter needs to be removed.

What is better in Windows 7? I haven't tried it.

A bit off-topic:

If any Linux distro. supported everything it would be my favorite OS. Linux is obviously free, usually fast, and in my opinion the most powerful. Many things you need external applications for in Windows can be done from command line in Linux.


But what I want for Windows 8 is automatic error handling. When something crashes, for example due to a missing DLL file, Windows will automatically go out and download that file. Also, the footprint Windows makes is HUGE and needs to be shrunk. When Win95 first came out, it could have an installation less than 30MB. With Windows 7, you can barely have an installation less than 15GB, so a lot of the depreciated clutter needs to be removed.

But when operating systems were only 30 mb hard drives were only about 6gb.

Now most people have at least a 160gb hard drive and the operating system is 15gb, it's not that bad, its worse, but not soemthign to really moan about.


Windows 8 to be 128-bit compatible?


Originally Posted by HydraX

Windows 8 to be 128-bit compatible?

nice, gonna get 16 cores then!

Windows 8 aka Copenhagen Concept ?


better name for their distros

Originally Posted by Kevin Fallow / KevKo
For whatever reason, I highly doubt that your uncle works on the Windows Dev team. Just saying.
me too
there are rumors windows 8 wont exist, rumors say instead of windows 8, there will be a new platform or W/E its called, called Midori
Microsoft Midori.
I dont know if thats truth and no one told me, just saw it on the internet

In W8, I would like to see Life.

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