Game Mode Changing

Guys How I Cna Make That When Is 1 Game Mode Over It Will Start Another One ?

Should I Put Gamemode0 Jefferson
Gamemode1 lvdm
Gamemode2 barron

Those Gamemodes was just examples is this right for changing Gamemode ? Gamemode0,Gamemode1,Gamemode2 etc etc ?

or how i can make this ? That When Is 1 Gamemode Over It Will Start New One

Ty For Any Help

That doesn't work. It was supposed to run next gamemode after using function GameModeExit, but it will always run gamemode0.

ty,but how i can make that will run a new gamemode ?

anyone ?

with SendRconCommand(changemode *Your Gamemode*);
and if you want to change gamemode after some time, use a timer.

and where i should put this ? game mode change ?

Originally Posted by Lajko1
and where i should put this ? game mode change ?
Depend on how you want it to act

i Want i have gamemode named Jefferson, with 2 teams grove and cops bla bla bla ... so i want when Team grove or Cop win that will change the gamemode to EX: BombDaBase i want in this way

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