What Would You Like To See In "Windows 8"

What would you like to see added in Windows 8? New UI, new features, more stability, more functionality?

I personally am looking for better handling of resources.

Update, you can download Windows 8 Developer Preview below:

- Camacorn

I would like to see Windows Open Source.

I would like to to not consume many resources, focus on the games and programs and make windows it self use as little as possible. Is there a release date for windows 8?

Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ]
I would like to to not consume many resources, focus on the games and programs and make windows it self use as little as possible. Is there a release date for windows 8?
not yet, its still VERY secret.

For whatever reason, I highly doubt that your uncle works on the Windows Dev team. Just saying.

I found this on ******


Seems kind of ironic its coming out in 2012

useless post.

Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ]
I found this on ******


Seems kind of ironic its coming out in 2012
if you read closer and read ALL of it, it says POSSIBLE launch, it doesnt say it WILL....

and i doubt it would be out that fast...

Better security of course :P
And make it where it only focuses on the program that your using and as little as it can on other things
Fix some of the malfunctions

But that's all the i can think of right now :P

That looks photoshopped.. "professional editions"?

Originally Posted by Kilatigon
Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ]
I found this on ******


Seems kind of ironic its coming out in 2012
if you read closer and read ALL of it, it says POSSIBLE launch, it doesnt say it WILL....

and i doubt it would be out that fast...
And theres no way MS owns that website... so its definately fan based.. On the side of what i want in Win 8:

- More FREAKIN themes!
- A Better music player.
- Built in FREE/Good Antivirus. (MS's antivirus is shit)

Also windows 7 didnt come out too long ago, its too early to be thinking about Win 8.

Originally Posted by CJ101
- More FREAKIN themes!
There's enough, and you can easily download a theme off the net.

Originally Posted by CJ101
- A Better music player.
I honestly can't see how it can get "better" than this, please elaborate?

Originally Posted by CJ101
- Built in FREE/Good Anti virus. (MS's antivirus is shit)
MSE is pretty good, there's a hundred other AV's around the net

Originally Posted by CJ101
Also windows 7 didnt come out too long ago, its too early to be thinking about Win 8.
I agree.

Originally Posted by CJ101
Also windows 7 didnt come out too long ago, its too early to be thinking about Win 8.
It's not too early for them to have started on development - if that is what you're saying. Or just too early for development. Microsoft is a business - businesses earn money. Obviously they want to pull in as much cash as possible in a short period of time seeing as though this is a competitive industry, thus the need to constantly bring out updates and features to adapt to the available technology which also is in fast development. I wouldn't be surprised if they started Windows 8 long before the release of Windows 7, as they would have learned quite a lot during the development of Windows 7 which they were unable to implement to meet requirements of release dates etc.

But hey, that's my theory.

On topic, I don't really care what they put in. As long as it's not a duplicate of Vista and load it up with bullshit way too advanced for it's time or virtually designed to suck up system resources, I'm happy.

Actually now that i think about it, Vista was shit.. So we want a OS thats not like that. Personally i dont know why they bothered with 7. Now we have windows 8? Obviously they want to make money, but MS just needs to get it right.. I mean linux cant even get viruses.

A 2010 version of Windows XP.

Originally Posted by Malice
A 2010 version of Windows XP.
+1 on that... I still have windows xp to this day.. Until MS makes a OS that runs fast like xp, im not changing.

Originally Posted by CJ101
Originally Posted by Malice
A 2010 version of Windows XP.
+1 on that... I still have windows xp to this day.. Until MS makes a OS that runs fast like xp, im not changing.
Same but maybe I will use Win7 if i get a new PC

Originally Posted by Kaboose
Originally Posted by CJ101
Originally Posted by Malice
A 2010 version of Windows XP.
+1 on that... I still have windows xp to this day.. Until MS makes a OS that runs fast like xp, im not changing.
Same but maybe I will use Win7 if i get a new PC
It's doubtful that Microsoft would pull something off like a 2010 version of XP. Although it sounds great, it's not good business. Like I said in my previous post, they're out to make money, and personally I don't think this would bring them much. They don't believe they have money to throw around to do things as such, personally I think they do, but the reality is that they don't.

But if I was to get a new PC I would definitely choose Windows 7. Windows XP is becoming outdated, and it's days are numbered. All I want my operating system to do is to allow me to do the things I want to do, not all this high tech bullshit that is really unnecessary.

I to have XP to this day, and it has never let me down once. I've never had Vista or 7, so apologies if I have misjudged anything.

What exactly have they changed in Windows 7? As you guys said, I still use XP because there is no reason to switch. It has the most support of any OS, and it's relatively fast. I don't need any transparent GUIs or constant warning messages.

I'd like to see a package manager type of thing like we get on Ubuntu (this).

You know like when we type "appwizz.cpl" in the run prompt to get add/remove, well we would type I dunno like "package.cpl" and get the list of all packages, it's info, how many installed and all that. People could submit packages to some kind of MS database for verification and then it goes onto the official list (in our app) so we can download and install it.


Packages would be applications, patches, gadgets etc by the way.

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