09.12.2009, 09:20
UPDATE: Since everyone says Nice mapping, I am open to map something for you, Its for free! Just PM Me with the details.
[b] This is my First map, So please dont complain..
I've made a Simpel HQ For Deathmatch servers, Its named Terrorist HQ Because i use it as a HQ For terrorists in my Team Deathmatch server.
Here are some Screenshots:
NOTE: The gates are Removed, I didnt like them.
Remember, Its my first map.
[b] This is my First map, So please dont complain..
I've made a Simpel HQ For Deathmatch servers, Its named Terrorist HQ Because i use it as a HQ For terrorists in my Team Deathmatch server.
Here are some Screenshots:
NOTE: The gates are Removed, I didnt like them.
CreateObject(987, -551.78662109375, 2576.2761230469, 52.93478012085, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, -528.43402099609, 2576.1848144531, 52.4140625, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, -540.34509277344, 2576.2331542969, 52.415424346924, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, -516.16833496094, 2575.9855957031, 52.4140625, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(987, -504.50802612305, 2576.6337890625, 52.515625, 0, 0, 87.339508056641); CreateObject(987, -503.60708618164, 2597.8671875, 52.56042098999, 0, 0, 89.320831298828); CreateObject(987, -503.35134887695, 2609.6081542969, 52.569091796875, 0, 0, 89.31884765625); CreateObject(987, -503.15872192383, 2620.703125, 52.539131164551, 0, 0, 89.31884765625); CreateObject(987, -503.07125854492, 2632.923828125, 52.515625, 0, 0, 89.31884765625); CreateObject(987, -503.25115966797, 2644.1762695313, 52.515625, 0, 0, 180.62841796875); CreateObject(987, -515.287109375, 2644.0139160156, 52.515625, 0, 0, 180.62622070313); CreateObject(987, -527.16040039063, 2643.8037109375, 52.515625, 0, 0, 180.62622070313); CreateObject(987, -539.18927001953, 2643.8937988281, 52.515625, 0, 0, 180.62622070313); CreateObject(987, -550.20300292969, 2643.6440429688, 53.082077026367, 0, 0, 269.95080566406); CreateObject(987, -549.443359375, 2631.822265625, 52.515625, 0, 0, 269.95056152344); CreateObject(987, -549.06219482422, 2619.7094726563, 52.515625, 0, 0, 246.13073730469); CreateObject(3279, -506.80258178711, 2638.7644042969, 52.4140625, 0, 0, 270.67565917969); CreateObject(3279, -509.54309082031, 2579.1381835938, 52.4140625, 0, 0, 181.35131835938); CreateObject(2985, -509.50555419922, 2579.2102050781, 68.4921875, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(2985, -506.91162109375, 2638.8227539063, 68.4921875, 0, 0, 0);